* "The Chicago Honey Co-op Works with a Hive Mind" (2016-06-29, shareable.net) [is.gd/AE5tqz]
* "RegenVillage Almere: A Self-sufficient Neighborhood to Generate its Own Food and Energy" (2016-06-27, by Cat Johnson, shareable.net) [is.gd/F4pYQY]

* "Inside the Little Free Pantry: a Q&A with its Creator" (2016-06-22, shareable.net) [is.gd/KRxJUW]
* "Modified microalgae converts sunlight into valuable medicine; A special type of microalgae can soon produce valuable chemicals such as cancer treatment drugs and much more just by harnessing energy from the sun. The team of scientists from Copenhagen Plant Science Centre at University of Copenhagen has published an article about the discovery in the scientific journal Metabolic Engineering" (2016-05-20, University of Copenhagen, science.ku.dk) [archive.is/awHLv], photo caption: The microalgae cultures are able to grow rapidly using waste water and light. Photo: Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences

* "How to Create a Free Farm Stand in Your Community" (2015-02-03, shareable.net) [is.gd/yHEpAk]
* "How Transition Palo Alto Brings Sharing and Community to Silicon Valley" (2016-04-25, shareable.net) [is.gd/8Z8leV]
* "Open-Source, DIY Machine Recycles Household Plastic Into New Products" (2016-04-26, shareable.net) [is.gd/FtBynM]
* "Water splitter produces clean-burning hydrogen fuel 24/7 ; An inexpensive renewable source of clean-burning hydrogen fuel for transportation and industry" (2015-06-23, kurzweilai.net) [archive.is/281Ey]
* "Think Global, Print Local: A Campaign for a New Commons-Based Publishing Network" (2016-02-29, shareable.net) [archive.is/Y71vM]
* "Sharing Without Sharing: The Strange Case of MedellĂn" (2016-03-18, shareable.net) [archive.is/hTVIg]
* [http://www.shareable.net/blog/how-to-create-a-free-farm-stand-in-your-community]
* [http://www.shareable.net/blog/beyond-bitcoin-legal-pathways-for-blockchain-enterprises]
* [http://www.shareable.net/blog/how-to-start-a-seed-sharing-campaign-in-your-town]
* [http://www.shareable.net/blog/the-promise-of-“open-co-operativism”]
" 'Arabian Ark' helps save wildlife from extinction" (2015-01-24) [https://archive.today/DGZW5]
LA-based designer and art director Cathy Van Hoang had the novel idea of using sea urchin shells as upside down planters for air plants to create little aerial jellyfish. She sells them in her Etsy shop, PetitBeast [etsy.com/shop/PetitBeast]. More photos at [thisiscolossal.com/2015/01/air-plant-jellyfish-by-petitbeast]

LA-based designer and art director Cathy Van Hoang had the novel idea of using sea urchin shells as upside down planters for air plants to create little aerial jellyfish. She sells them in her Etsy shop, PetitBeast [etsy.com/shop/PetitBeast]. More photos at [thisiscolossal.com/2015/01/air-plant-jellyfish-by-petitbeast]

* "Peppermint oil and cinnamon could help treat and heal chronic wounds" (2015-07-08, acs.org) [archive.is/vEgku]
* How to access a million stunning, copyright-free antique illustrations released by the British Library [http://is.gd/yz6X92]

* The Metropolitan Museum of Art Puts 400,000 High-Res Images Online & Makes Them Free to Use [http://is.gd/ZGF7kk]
* "Quite a lot of art as guerrilla gallery fills parking spaces" (2015-05-04, sfgate.com) [https://archive.is/UfGuT]
Card Weaving [www.hollowtop.com/spt_html/weaving.htm], Original website of the Society of Primitive Technology.
What is Card Weaving? [theloomybin.com/cw/doc/whatiscardweaving.html].
* "La'Zooz: The Decentralized, Crypto-Alternative to Uber" (2015-01-26) [http://www.shareable.net/blog/lazooz-the-decentralized-crypto-alternative-to-uber]
* "Hampshire College Launches Project Focused on the Common Good" [http://www.shareable.net/blog/hampshire-college-launches-project-focused-on-the-common-good]
* "Nijmegen Sharing City Embraces No-Money Abundance" (2015-01-26) [http://www.shareable.net/blog/nijmegen-sharing-city-embraces-no-money-abundance]
* "Composting Coop Taps into the Unbroken Spirit of Rust Belt Cities" (2015-01-20)[http://www.shareable.net/blog/composting-coop-taps-into-the-unbroken-spirit-of-rust-belt-cities]
* An Insider's Guide to Sharing City Detroit [http://www.shareable.net/blog/an-insiders-guide-to-sharing-city-detroit]
* "Free the Seeds! 9 Ways to Power Up the Seed Movement" (2014-12-23) [http://www.shareable.net/blog/free-the-seeds-9-ways-to-power-up-the-seed-movement]
* "How to Host a Conference, Gift Economy Style" [http://www.shareable.net/blog/how-to-host-a-conference-gift-economy-style]
* "Civic Crowdfunding and the Public Good" (2015-01-27) [http://www.shareable.net/blog/civic-crowdfunding-and-the-public-good]
Slug & Lettuce is/was a punk rock fanzine supporting the DIY (do-it-yourself) ethics of the punk scene and community. It existed in print format from 1987 untill 2007. It started out in State College PA, represeted some of the Pittsburgh scene in the late 80s, a short stint in Boston in 1989, and then really settled into "it's own" with the newsprint tabloid format in NYC, where the emphasis was on networking for international DIY punk contact and communication. Plus band photography and punk art! Slug & Lettuce had a print run of 10,000, was published quarterly and distributed worldwide for free. Slug & Lettuce has been based out of Richmond VA since 1997.

* Messian Dread meets Sticksman - DUB Area 51 Break In (Net Single, 2003) [archive.org/details/sticksman_meets_messian_dread] Dub meets Hip Hop in an earth-quake mix uncovering the foundation which is the drum and the bass. A musical conference with an outcome that will definitely please the hard core DUB and Trip Hop fan to the absolute fullness.
"Falling Fruit: Mapping Free Food" (2014-11-04) [Shareable.net link
"Soil Science Basics for Beginners" (2014-08-04) [PermacultureNews.org link] [archive.today]
"The Evolver Network: Twerkin the Knobs of the New Planetary Culture" [TribalConvergence.com link] [archive.today link]
A Letter from Daniel Pinchbeck,
Introducing the Center for Planetary Culture [archive.today link]
"Falling Fruit: Mapping Free Food" (2014-11-04) [Shareable.net link
"Soil Science Basics for Beginners" (2014-08-04) [PermacultureNews.org link] [archive.today]
"The Evolver Network: Twerkin the Knobs of the New Planetary Culture" [TribalConvergence.com link] [archive.today link]
A Letter from Daniel Pinchbeck,
Introducing the Center for Planetary Culture [archive.today link]
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