Thursday, January 30, 2020

THEE STRANGER NEWS (January 30th, 2020)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Slow light to speed up LiDAR sensors development" (2020-01-15, []
- image caption: A small-sized silicon photonics chip that can be used for non-mechanical beam steering and scanning.


* "Russian scientists create artificial ‘human skin’ that becomes STRONGER when stretched" (2020-01-23, []


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Outbound comets are likely of alien origin" (2020-01-20,, via []

NEO Watch
B612 Foundation [] to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.

* "Asteroid EXPLODES over Earth after travelling from beyond Mars" (2020-01-23, []


Ancient News

* "Are the 11,300-Year-Old LSU Mounds the US Göbekli Tepe?" (2020-01-25, []

* "Ruins of Malden Island and The Mysterious Roads that Lead into the Sea" (2018-09-10, [] [begin excerpt]:
Malden is a tiny, island in the central Pacific Ocean, covering about 15 square miles in area. It is one of the Line Islands belonging to the Republic of Kiribati and while there are no resident staff on Malden, there are the occasional visits by foreign yachtsmen. The island is best known for its ruins of unknown origins, its deposits of guano (a valuable agricultural fertilizer) and its former use as the site of the first British H-bomb tests.
The triangular shaped island is located 1,530 nautical miles south of Honolulu, and over 4,000 nautical miles west of South America. It is now a protected breeding island for about a dozen species of birds as well as a winter-stop for migratory seabirds.
A small lagoon, entirely enclosed by land, fills the east part of the island. It is connected to the sea by subterranean channels and the water is salty. Most of the land area of the island lies to the south and west of the lagoon. The island is low, no more than 33 feet above sea level, and there is no fresh water.
The island was named after Lt. Charles Robert Malden, the navigator of the HMS Blonde, who briefly explored it, along with a naturalist and a botanist travelling for the Royal Horticultural Society in 1825.
The island was occupied from the 1860s by an Australian company for the purpose of collecting guano, but all activity ceased by the early 1930s. No further use was made of Malden until 1956 when the United Kingdom selected Malden as the instrumentation site for its first series of H-bomb tests.
At the time of discovery, Malden was unoccupied, but the remains of ruined temples and megalithic monuments indicated that the island had at one time been inhabited.
Between 100 and 200 Natives Could Have Produced the Malden Structures.
In 1924, the Malden ruins were examined by Kenneth Emory, an anthropologist from the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, who theorized that they were the creation of a small Polynesian population which had resided there for several generations some centuries earlier. There are, however, those who dispute his theory, claiming that Emory was not motivated to reach any other conclusions and that his purpose for reaching this conclusion was primarily to support his thesis that Tonga and Samoa were the departure point when the Polynesian culture spread westwards across the Pacific to Tahiti, the Marquesas, and Hawaii. They also claim that an admission that Malden might have traces of an older human presence than that of the Polynesians would have destroyed Emory’s entire paradigm of the earliest settlement in the Pacific. “For aspiring young scientists at the beginning of their career, such things have never been particularly tempting.” Emory went on to become the foremost expert on Polynesian culture 30 years later.
Amongst the 21 archaeological sites discovered, they found temple platforms, housing, and graves. Various wells once used by these ancients were later claimed to be dry or brackish. Emory theorized that a population of between 100 and 200 natives could have produced all of the Malden structures. Maraes (spiritual meeting grounds) of a similar type are found on Raivavae, one of the Austral Islands.
As others have pointed out, the remains of the later Polynesians do not rule out evidence of an even older civilization, but further investigations, which would take months or years, have never been made. Malden Island is so remote that the cost of getting there for further archaeological exploration is prohibitive.
The Paved Roads Lead Into The Sea, But How Far Do They Extend?
Documented observations state that from the center of the island, radiating from several temple complexes, are a network of roads made of large basalt slabs, fitted tightly together. These roads cross the island and the beaches and disappears under the waves of the Pacific. They are very similar to the Ara Metua, a paved road on Rarotonga Island, 1,000 miles to the south. Rarotonga, like Malden Island and others in the Pacific, has a number of pyramid-platforms connected by roads. Strange stacks of stones are also scattered across Malden Island, while the pyramids are capped with dolmens or ‘compass stones’. These 40 stone temples on Malden Island are described as similar in design to the buildings of Nan Madol on Pohnpei, some 3,400 miles away.
Why such a remote island contains temples, pyramid-platforms and ancient paved paths leading directly into the ocean, is still a mystery. [end excerpt]
- image caption: Malden Island Ruin

- image caption: A drawing made in 1825 by ship artist Robert Dampier

- image caption: Marae found on Raivavae

* "Mystery ruins of Malden island (Kiribati)" (2017-01-03, []: At the time of its discovery, Malden was found to be unoccupied, but the remains of ruined temples and other structures indicated that the island had at one time been inhabited. Several step-pyramids, platforms, megaliths, and strange stacks of stones are scattered across Malden Island. Stepped and truncated pyramids measure in the range of 30 feet (9 m) in height, 20 to 60 feet (6-18 m) in width, and 90 to 200 feet(27-60 m) in length. The pyramids are approached by paved ways from the sea and are capped with dolmens or “compass stones.” These 40 stone temples on Malden Island are described as similar in design to the buildings of Nan Madol on Pohnpei, some 5,475 km away. What was the purpose of all these platforms? Were they part of an ancient sun-worshipping cult, altars for Polynesian chiefs, or a “crossroad” meeting place for a seafaring nation? And what of the paved ways leading into the sea? Evidence for the lost Pacific continent of Mu, or Lemuria? In 1924, the Malden ruins were examined by an archaeologist from the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Kenneth Emory, who concluded that they were the creation of a small Polynesian population which had resided there for perhaps several generations some centuries earlier. Speculation also suggests that Malden Island is positioned on a spe­cial power point upon the Earth Grid, acknowledged and venerated by the ancients. Malden island may have been an important stopover place on trans-Pacific voyages, but the reality is that no one really knows. One thing is for certain; some mysterious group put a large amount of effort into building megalithic monuments on an island that could hardly support even a small population.


* "Listen to your mummy! Egyptian priest’s ‘voice’ heard 3,000 years after his death through 3D-printed vocal tract" (2020-01-23, []


* "New archaeological discoveries in Syrian province of Tartus" (2020-01-21, []

* "1,500-year-old tombstone with Greek inscription discovered in Israel" (2020-01-22, []

* "Mt Vesuvius victim’s brain ‘turned to glass’ as hundreds more baked to death – studies" (2020-01-23, []

* "The Khitan People: Nomadic Tribe, Chinese Dynasty, Lost to the Mongols" (2018-10-05, []

* "Gene Fornby: The Ancient Swedish Village That Predates the Vikings" (2018-09-23, []

* "Ramsund Carving: Viking Inscription Speaks of Dragon Slayer" (2018-11-02, []
- image caption: Drawing of the Sigurd Saga


* "Has this man solved the mysteries of Stonehenge and the Pyramids?" ( []:  Wow! Has this man solved the mysteries of Stonehenge and the Pyramids?


More under the miscellany and errata are the presumptions that the Earth has gone through climatic & surface changes well into the recent few hundred years. Of course, there is evidence for both, but would they be recorded on a map? Rather, could recent surface changes on Earth have actually changed the coasts on continents?

Would continental climatic-based surface changes be recorded on maps?


Miscellany & Errata

* "UFOpen for business: Britain’s Royal Air Force to declassify X-Files kept in secret for years" (2020-01-27, []

* "Puerto Ricans baffled by strange lights appearing overhead in dawn skies" (2020-01-21, []

* "Another Nessie? Fishing trip footage appears to capture Canada’s legendary ‘60ft-long’ lake monster Ogopogo" (2020-01-26, []

* "Enigma of Alien Gargoyle Atop Ancient Scottish Church Now Solved" (2020-01-28, []



* "A Metropolis of 200 Million Termite Mounds Was Hidden in Plain Sight; What amount to garbage piles — some are 4,000 years old — are spread over an area the size of Britain in a remote Brazilian forest" (2018-11-20, []
* "Massive 4,000-year-old termite mounds can be seen on Google Earth" (2018-11-21, []
* "Huge 4,000-year-old termite mounds visible via satellite; Researchers have found a vast array of regularly-spaced, still-inhabited termite mounds in northeastern Brazil covering an area the size of Great Britain" (2018-11-28, []

* "Monster mosquito: Argentinian man stunned as GIANT insect flies through his window" (2020-01-23, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

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( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thursday, January 23, 2020

THEE STRANGER NEWS (January 23rd, 2020)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Team Builds the First Living Robots Tiny 'xenobots' assembled from cells promise advances from drug delivery to toxic waste clean-up" ( [] [begin excerpt]: Later tests showed that groups of xenobots would move around in circles, pushing pellets into a central location—spontaneously and collectively. Others were built with a hole through the center to reduce drag. In simulated versions of these, the scientists were able to repurpose this hole as a pouch to successfully carry an object. "It's a step toward using computer-designed organisms for intelligent drug delivery," says Bongard, a professor in UVM's Department of Computer Science and Complex Systems Center. [end excerpt]

* "UVM and Tufts Team Builds First Living Robots" (2020-01-13, []
* " ‘100 Percent Frog DNA’: Scientists Tout Creation of First-Ever ‘Living’ Robots" (2020-01-14, []
* " ‘Neither robot nor animal’: Scientists develop the ‘Xenobots,’ 1st robots constructed completely from LIVING CELLS" (2020-01-14, []
- image caption: A manufactured quadruped organism, 650-750 microns in diameter—a bit smaller than a pinhead.
* "Meet the xenobot: world's first living, self-healing robots created from frog stem cells" (2020-01-13, [] [begin excerpt]: The cells then began to work on their own -- skin cells bonded to form structure, while pulsing heart muscle cells allowed the robot to move on its own. Xenobots even have self-healing capabilities; when the scientists sliced into one robot, it healed by itself and kept moving.
"These are novel living machines," said Joshua Bongard, one of the lead researchers at the University of Vermont, in the news release. "They're neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal. It's a new class of artifact: a living, programmable organism." [...]
The xenobots could potentially be used toward a host of tasks, according to the study, which was partially funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a federal agency that oversees the development of technology for military use.
Xenobots could be used to clean up radioactive waste, collect microplastics in the oceans, carry medicine inside human bodies, or even travel into our arteries to scrape out plaque. The xenobots can survive in aqueous environments without additional nutrients for days or weeks -- making them suitable for internal drug delivery.
Aside from these immediate practical tasks, the xenobots could also help researchers to learn more about cell biology -- opening the doors to future advancement in human health and longevity. [end excerpt]
- image caption: A four-legged xenobot, less than a millimeter (0.04 inches) wide, built from frog stem cells.

- image caption: A xenobot with large hind limbs and smaller forelimbs, layered with red heart muscle.

- image caption: Some xenobots had holes in their center -- which could potentially be used to transport drugs or medicines.


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Scientists discover 6 mysterious objects near supermassive black hole, unlike anything we’ve seen before" (2020-01-16, []

* "The Oldest Known Material on Earth is Billions of Years Older Than Earth Itself" (2020-01-14, []

* "From microbes to man: Muck-dwelling organism found off Japanese coast could help explain how complex life arose on Earth" (2020-01-16, []

NEO Watch
B612 Foundation [] to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.

* "NASA asteroid warning: Not one but TWO huge space rocks to hurtle past Earth today" (2020-01-20, []

* "Astronomer snapped ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid headed for Earth in incredible PHOTO" (2020-01-20, []
- image attribution: Gianluca Masi / The Virtual Telescope Project


* "Anomalous Blobs of Matter Hidden Under Africa, Pacific Could Drown Earth in 100 km Layer of Lava" (2020-01-14, []


Ancient News

* "Altai Mountains" (retrieved 2020-01-12, []
* "Altai people" (retrieved 2020-01-21, []
* "Altai Republic" (retrieved 2020-01-21, []

* "Archeological Evidence Of Human Activity Found Beneath Lake Huron" (2009-06-09, University of Michigan, via [], summary: More than 100 feet deep in Lake Huron, on a wide stony ridge that 9,000 years ago was a land bridge, researchers have found the first archeological evidence of human activity preserved beneath the Great Lakes.

* "Maya plumbing, first pressurized water feature found in New World; At Palenque, ancient engineers harnessed the power of water" (2011-02-08, []

Ancient Mayan plumbing: "The Piedras Bolas aqueduct".
* "Plumbing the ancient Mayan plumbing" (2010-05-27, []
- image caption: The sloping aqueduct could have created water pressure to supply a drinking-water fountain on the surface. During the rainy season, runoff overflows the paving, but the buried conduit still carries water into the city.

* "Mayan Plumbing More Than a Pipe Dream; Archaeologists discovered that Mayans had pressurized water -- perhaps a form of modern plumbing -- hundreds of years before European conquerors arrived in the New World" (2010-05-10, []
* "Mayan Plumbing More Than a Pipe Dream" (2010-05-06, []
* "Ancient Mayans Likely Had Fountains and Toilets" (2009-12-23, []
* "Ancient Mayans masters of water pressure; Researchers in Chiapas, Mexico, unearth pipes, fountains and intricate systems of water management" (2009-12-23, []

* "Strong Evidence Of Natural Elongated Skulls At Lake Titicaca In Bolivia" (2020-01-09, []


* "Columbus May Have Encountered 'Ravenous Cannibals' in the Caribbean 500 Years Ago, Study Claims" (2020-01-14, []


Miscellany & Errata

* "Space Dust or Optical Illusion? ‘Green Snow’ Covers Fields Outside Major Russian City - Video" (2020-01-14, []



* " 'Monumental': Scientists successfully grow mysterious ancient organism that could be origin of life as we know it" (2020-01-17, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

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Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thursday, January 16, 2020

THEE STRANGER NEWS (January 16th, 2020)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Toyota Plans to Build ‘City of the Future’ at the Base Of Mt. Fuji" (2020-01-08, []

* "Game-changing new stem cell treatment REVERSES aging in mouse brains" (2020-01-10, []


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* " 'Stellar Nurseries': Colossal Baby Star Wave Surfed by Milky Way Is Largest Ever Known in Galaxy; The grand current of nascent stars, which largely has been discovered by chance during 3D studies of a known stellar belt of a much smaller size, appears to be the “largest coherent gas structure” in our galaxy to date" (2020-01-08, []

* "Trio of galaxies spotted reshaping universe around them as they emerge from ‘COSMIC DARK AGE' " (2020-01-10, []

* "Famous photogenic black hole spotted spitting out matter at nearly the SPEED OF LIGHT" (2020-01-08, []

* "Breaking Physics? Researchers Detect Never-Before-Seen Radiation From Black Hole’s Jet" (2020-01-08, []

* "Breakthrough Technique to Hunt Down Signs of Alien Life Revealed by Scientists" (2020-01-07, []

* "Another Piece of the Puzzle? Mysterious Radio Signal From Space Detected" (2020-01-07, []

* "Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Deep Space Signal Reportedly Vanishes, Baffles Scientists" (2020-01-07, []

* "NASA planet hunter finds Earth-size habitable-zone exoplanet" (2020-01-07, []
* "NASA planet-hunting probe finds its 1st Earth-sized world in habitable zone sweet spot" (2020-01-07, []
* "First Potentially Habitable Nearby Planet Spotted in Landmark Discovery" (2020-01-07, []
* " 'Does it Have Oil?' Internet Explodes Into Memes as NASA Finds First Potentially Habitable Planet" (2020-01-07, []

* "Vanishing water MYSTERY casts doubt over Mars colonization plans" (2020-01-10, []


Ancient News

* "Boggling Bannerstones of Ancient Americans: Were They a Function of Flight or More a Flight of Fancy?" (2018-07-27, []
- image caption: A bannerstone, the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


* "Ancient Tablet Depicting Actual Demon Sheds Light on Ancient Exorcism Ritual – Photo" (2020-01-07, []

* "Before Greta, there were Vikings: Swedish runes warned of impending climate crisis, researchers claim" (2020-01-09, []

* "Always Wanted an Ancient Germanic Castle Near Russia’s Baltic Coast? Now’s Your Chance to Buy One" (2020-01-07, []



* "Scientists Finally Provide Answer to Mysterious Hum Heard Around World" (2020-01-09, []

* "Scientists Catch Mysterious Phenomenon of Light Flashing From Human Eyes on Camera" (2020-01-09, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

Files types linked are noted if not standard (.html). Files noted as (.pdf) may be viewed in most standard browsers, or by downloading the viewer app from the proprietor [].
( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thursday, January 9, 2020

THEE STRANGER NEWS (January 9th, 2020)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Quantum internet is near? Scientists ‘teleport’ data between chips for the first time" (2019-12-29, []
* "FROZEN Lego bricks may be missing link in evolution of quantum computers" (2019-12-24, []

* "China's quantum satellite links with world's first mobile ground station" (2020-01-02, []

* "U.S. scientists build particle accelerator that fits on chip" (2020-01-02, []

* "China tests micro propulsion technology for space-based gravitational wave detection" (2020-01-03, []

* "Chinese scientists have put human brain genes in monkeys—and yes, they may be smarter; A quest to understand how human intelligence evolved raises some ethical questions" (2019-04-10, []


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Russian astrophysicists claim there's NO DARK ENERGY in bold new theory" (2019-12-24, []

* "No Divine Miracle? The Origin of Life on Earth Finally Revealed, Scientists Claim; Phosphorous is among the six chemical elements necessary for the creation of living organisms. A question that has baffled scientists for more than half a century is how can a lifeless environment supply phosphorous?" (2019-12-31, []

NEO Watch
B612 Foundation [] to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.

* "Swing and a miss! Huge asteroid to narrowly pass by Earth on Boxing day" (2019-12-24, []

* "Cutting it close: NASA just detected two asteroids headed towards the Earth… with two more right behind" (2020-01-02, []


Ancient News

* "Schoolgirl Finds 41,000-Year-Old Mummified Lemming in Permafrost" (2019-12-28, []

* "Cultural relics of 7 dynasties excavated in north China" (2019-12-23, []

* "More Terracotta Warriors unearthed nearby Emperor Qinshihuang's mausoleum" (2019-12-31, []
* "Terracotta Warriors receive reinforcements as 220 additional soldiers discovered, including new ranks" (2019-12-30, []

* "The Lady of Auxerre: What is the Story Behind Her Archaic Smile?" (2018-06-16, []


* "Remorseless Chronicles of Slaughter: Fatal First Contact Between Ancient Greece and the Tribes of India" (2018-06-26, []

* "The Original Swiss Army Knife: Check Out This Must Have Gadget for Guys on the Go" (2018-06-15, [] [begin excerpt]: While the Fitzwilliam’s gadget is by far the most elaborate and well-preserved example of such a device, lots of folding spoons and knives have survived. This example is the best example archaeologists have found of this “ancient Swiss Army Knife.” Sherlock cited a similar gadget from third-century Thrace (an area that includes parts of modern-day Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria), but this gizmo contained some tools specific to a doctor’s profession. The
Thracian multi-tool does have utensils (possibly used for caring for wounds), but also lancets.
Aristotle does appear to mention something analogous in his Politics, quipping that “nature makes nothing in an economizing spirit, as smiths make the Delphic knife, but one thing with a view to one thing.” Here, he means that Nature designs everything for a singular purpose, in contrast to those who make “Delphic knives,” which combines lots of singular-purpose items into one multi-function masterpiece. [end excerpt]


Mosaic of Daedalus & Icarus - Anatolia, Turkey


* "Jesus Christ's face actually looked like this according to expert; Joan Taylor, a Professor of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at King’s College London, reckons Jesus had short hair, darker skin and a short beard" (2019-12-29, []
- (left): image from a Ptolemaic tomb representative of a typical Judean of the 2nd Temple era / (right) image caption: The professor reckons Jesus would have worn similar clothing to Moses in this picture


* "Tourists to be fascinated by visiting Lilliput village" (2020-01-01, []: Makhunik Village in South Khorasan Province has always been in the spotlight due to its exceptional style of buildings which still bear the elements of Neolithic architecture and the distinctive lifestyle of its residents.
- photoset [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []


Miscellany & Errata

* " ‘It’s a dang UFO’: Mysterious object puzzles witnesses after blazing across Florida sky" (2020-01-02, []

* " ‘Fear of the unknown’: Mystery drones seen hovering over Colorado & Nebraska leave residents spooked" (2020-01-02, []

* "Reports of strange lights in the sky in northern Montana Satellites spark curiousity" (2019-12-25, []


* "Meteor? Space junk? Kim’s Christmas present? UFO? WATCH mysterious fireball blaze through night sky in Guam" (2019-12-29, []



* "U.S. geoscientists document 300-mln-year-old atmospheric dust" (2019-12-23, []

* "Can music notes convey sounds of moon and stars?" (2019-12-31, []

* "Residents baffled as THREE SUNS appear in skies above China" (2020-01-02, []

* "Study finds chimpanzees more likely to share tools when task is complex" (2019-12-24, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

Files types linked are noted if not standard (.html). Files noted as (.pdf) may be viewed in most standard browsers, or by downloading the viewer app from the proprietor [].
( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thee Stranger News for December, 2023

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California...