Thursday, January 9, 2020

THEE STRANGER NEWS (January 9th, 2020)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Quantum internet is near? Scientists ‘teleport’ data between chips for the first time" (2019-12-29, []
* "FROZEN Lego bricks may be missing link in evolution of quantum computers" (2019-12-24, []

* "China's quantum satellite links with world's first mobile ground station" (2020-01-02, []

* "U.S. scientists build particle accelerator that fits on chip" (2020-01-02, []

* "China tests micro propulsion technology for space-based gravitational wave detection" (2020-01-03, []

* "Chinese scientists have put human brain genes in monkeys—and yes, they may be smarter; A quest to understand how human intelligence evolved raises some ethical questions" (2019-04-10, []


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Russian astrophysicists claim there's NO DARK ENERGY in bold new theory" (2019-12-24, []

* "No Divine Miracle? The Origin of Life on Earth Finally Revealed, Scientists Claim; Phosphorous is among the six chemical elements necessary for the creation of living organisms. A question that has baffled scientists for more than half a century is how can a lifeless environment supply phosphorous?" (2019-12-31, []

NEO Watch
B612 Foundation [] to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.

* "Swing and a miss! Huge asteroid to narrowly pass by Earth on Boxing day" (2019-12-24, []

* "Cutting it close: NASA just detected two asteroids headed towards the Earth… with two more right behind" (2020-01-02, []


Ancient News

* "Schoolgirl Finds 41,000-Year-Old Mummified Lemming in Permafrost" (2019-12-28, []

* "Cultural relics of 7 dynasties excavated in north China" (2019-12-23, []

* "More Terracotta Warriors unearthed nearby Emperor Qinshihuang's mausoleum" (2019-12-31, []
* "Terracotta Warriors receive reinforcements as 220 additional soldiers discovered, including new ranks" (2019-12-30, []

* "The Lady of Auxerre: What is the Story Behind Her Archaic Smile?" (2018-06-16, []


* "Remorseless Chronicles of Slaughter: Fatal First Contact Between Ancient Greece and the Tribes of India" (2018-06-26, []

* "The Original Swiss Army Knife: Check Out This Must Have Gadget for Guys on the Go" (2018-06-15, [] [begin excerpt]: While the Fitzwilliam’s gadget is by far the most elaborate and well-preserved example of such a device, lots of folding spoons and knives have survived. This example is the best example archaeologists have found of this “ancient Swiss Army Knife.” Sherlock cited a similar gadget from third-century Thrace (an area that includes parts of modern-day Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria), but this gizmo contained some tools specific to a doctor’s profession. The
Thracian multi-tool does have utensils (possibly used for caring for wounds), but also lancets.
Aristotle does appear to mention something analogous in his Politics, quipping that “nature makes nothing in an economizing spirit, as smiths make the Delphic knife, but one thing with a view to one thing.” Here, he means that Nature designs everything for a singular purpose, in contrast to those who make “Delphic knives,” which combines lots of singular-purpose items into one multi-function masterpiece. [end excerpt]


Mosaic of Daedalus & Icarus - Anatolia, Turkey


* "Jesus Christ's face actually looked like this according to expert; Joan Taylor, a Professor of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at King’s College London, reckons Jesus had short hair, darker skin and a short beard" (2019-12-29, []
- (left): image from a Ptolemaic tomb representative of a typical Judean of the 2nd Temple era / (right) image caption: The professor reckons Jesus would have worn similar clothing to Moses in this picture


* "Tourists to be fascinated by visiting Lilliput village" (2020-01-01, []: Makhunik Village in South Khorasan Province has always been in the spotlight due to its exceptional style of buildings which still bear the elements of Neolithic architecture and the distinctive lifestyle of its residents.
- photoset [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []


Miscellany & Errata

* " ‘It’s a dang UFO’: Mysterious object puzzles witnesses after blazing across Florida sky" (2020-01-02, []

* " ‘Fear of the unknown’: Mystery drones seen hovering over Colorado & Nebraska leave residents spooked" (2020-01-02, []

* "Reports of strange lights in the sky in northern Montana Satellites spark curiousity" (2019-12-25, []


* "Meteor? Space junk? Kim’s Christmas present? UFO? WATCH mysterious fireball blaze through night sky in Guam" (2019-12-29, []



* "U.S. geoscientists document 300-mln-year-old atmospheric dust" (2019-12-23, []

* "Can music notes convey sounds of moon and stars?" (2019-12-31, []

* "Residents baffled as THREE SUNS appear in skies above China" (2020-01-02, []

* "Study finds chimpanzees more likely to share tools when task is complex" (2019-12-24, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

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Thee Stranger News for December, 2023

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California...