Thursday, October 31, 2019

THEE STRANGER NEWS (October 31st, 2019)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Science & tech bring risks, but we need them to save humanity – physicist to RT" (2019-10-25,

* "German startup Lilium's all-electric flying taxi completes first test phase" (2019-10-22, [begin excerpt]:
The German electric air taxi Lilium Jet completed its first phase of flight testing, during which it had been flown at speeds exceeding 100 kilometers per hour, the flying taxi startup announced on Tuesday.
"We are now moving into a critical stage of testing as we prepare for high speed operations and eventual certification by the relevant authorities," said Leandro Bigarella, head of flight tests at Lilium.
The fully electric five-seater Lilium Jet would now enter a testing phase in which it is set to fly at with a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour in order to "look specifically at how it performs at high speeds," Lilium stated.
The aircraft, which completed its maiden flight in May 2019, would still be controlled remotely from the ground during the tests, according to Lilium. The jet is built to be able to take off and land vertically with its 36 all-electric turbines, which are installed in its wings. [end excerpt]


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Ancient microbes are living inside Europe's deepest meteorite crater" (2019-10-18, []

NEO Watch

* "Aste-RISK! NASA warns space rock twice the size of Eiffel Tower is bearing down on Earth" (2019-10-22,

* "Potentially hazardous asteroid flying past Earth right now visible with even small telescopes" (2019-10-25,

* "Scientist helps discover how water is regenerated on asteroids" (2019-10-09, SPX newswire, []

* "Study suggests ice on lunar south pole may have more than one source" (2019-10-11, SPX newswire, []

* "China releases new photo of mystery ‘Moon glass’ and it’s… something" (2019-10-23,


* "MARS RESISTS! NASA probe backs out of hole while burrowing into red planet’s surface" (2019-10-28,

* "Spacetime tunnels: Scientists reveal how to find wormholes, if they really are out there" (2019-10-24,


Ancient News

* "Humanity’s homeland found in ancient Botswana; Modern humans emerged 200,000 years ago in a region of northern Botswana, scientists claim, in what appeared to be the most precise location of mankind's 'ancestral homeland' yet discovered" (2019-10-28, []
* "Humankind's Ancestral Home Is Botswana: Study; The study is based on investigating the human family tree through the analysis of more than a hundred samples of mitochondrial DNA; Researchers say they traced the origins of all humans to a region located in the north of Botswana" (2019-10-28,
* "Birthplace of modern human life located: Australian researchers" (2019-10-29,

* "Was Tamana a Universal Civilization of Mankind Before the Great Flood?" (2016-10-13, []
* "Structural onomastics, geosemiology and integrative sciencing: Taking the TAMANA perspective" ( []

* "Newgrange: The Massive Irish Tomb That’s Older That The Pyramids; The opening of the ancient tomb of Newgrange in County Meath, Ireland, perfectly aligns with the rising sun every winter solstice" (2019-05-25, []
- image caption: The Newgrange tomb in County Meath, Ireland, just north of Dublin.


* "An Astonishing Revelation in Saqqara – A Hidden Pyramid!" (2019-10-25, []

* "Baffling Bronze Age Weapons Hoard Found in London" (2019-10-22,

* "The Lost Treasure of the Dead Sea Copper Scroll" (2019-03-11,

* "Israel unveils 1,500-year-old Byzantine church with mosaic floors" (2019-10-23,

* "Head of ancient Roman marble statue stolen in 1968 returned to Italy" (2019-10-25,

* "The Sacred Ghost Town of Ani, City of 1001 Churches: Deserted By Man, Destroyed By Nature" (2017-07-19, []

* "Over 1,000-yr-old epitaph found in north China province" (2019-10-28,

* "Naupa Iglesia: An Egyptian Portal in the Andes?" (2016-12-15, []

* "30 Years, 44 Countries, 75,000 Miles: The Endless Adventures Of 14th-Century Explorer Ibn Battuta" (2019-05-26, []

* "American Samoan Star Mounds Baffle Archaeologists" (2019-10-28, []
- image caption: One of many star mounds now revealed on American Samoa.


Miscellany & Errata



* "Russian navy finds 6 previously unknown ISLANDS after glacier melt" (2019-10-23,

* "Great white sharks found to form recurring communities: study" (2019-10-22,

* "Dinosaur killing asteroid caused mass extinction by turning oceans ACIDIC" (2019-10-22,

* "US Man Turns Massive 910-Pound Pumpkin Into Vessel; What do you do with a pumpkin that weighs more than 900 pounds? You carve it and turn it into a working vessel, of course!" (2019-10-22,


* "Fast and the furriest: Rats enjoy driving tiny cars, US researchers discover" (2019-10-24,


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

Files types linked are noted if not standard (.html). Files noted as (.pdf) may be viewed in most standard browsers, or by downloading the viewer app from the proprietor [].
( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thursday, October 24, 2019

THEE STRANGER NEWS (October 24th, 2019)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []
Meandering track of Progressive Psytrance: []

Science & Futurism

* "Full Throttle! NASA Scientist Says His Engine Capable of Nearly Reach the Speed of Light; Scientists are divided by a proposed concept, which David Burns dubbed the 'helical engine'. According to the engineer it could propel spacecraft across interstellar distances" (2019-10-15,
* "NASA engineer's 'helical engine' may violate the laws of physics" (2019-10-11,

* "U.S. engineers develop a large, high-speed 3D printer" (2019-10-17,

* "3D-printed concrete bridge unveiled in north China" (2019-10-15,


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Close encounter: HUGE asteroid sped past Earth at 22,000mph" (2019-10-16,

* "NASA refutes alien life found on Mars by experiment in 1970s" (2019-10-16,


Ancient News

* "28,000-Year-Old Woolly Mammoth Cells Show Biological Signs Of Life; The 28,000-year-old woolly mammoth was dug out of Siberian permafrost in 2011. Now scientists have found that its DNA is partially intact" (2019-03-13,

* "Mythical Benben Stone: The Landing Site of Egyptian God Atum" (2016-08-24,


* "Vast trove of sarcophagi found ‘as the ancient Egyptians left them’ in Luxor" (2019-10-16,

* "Ancient babylonian 'omens' reveal timing of an extraordinary solar storm that’s mentioned in the Bible" (2019-10-19,

* "The Ancient Book of Deer, Oldest Known Gaelic Text in Existence" (2016-08-23,
- "The Gaelic Notes in the Book of Deer" (1972, by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson)
- "Long Lost Book of Deer Monastery May Have Been Found" (by Helen McArdle,
- "The Book of Deer Project" website (


* "The Oxyrhynchus Papyri: The Largest Cache of Early Christian Manuscripts Discovered to Date" (2016-09-12,

* "The Schoyen Collection: 20,000 Ancient Manuscripts from 134 Countries in 120 Languages" (2016-08-14,

* "Google Helps Digitalize The Mayan World; The new project, 'Google Arts & Culture', aims to make the works of art of a number of associated museums accessible to anyone with an Internet connection" (2019-10-16,

* "23 artefacts of Namibian origin to return from Germany: official" (2019-10-21,

* "Roman Necropolis of "Regular Folk" Found in France" (2019-10-19,

* "Did the Portuguese Have Secret Knowledge about Brazil Before the Treaty of Tordesillas?" (2016-10-27,

* "Professor Cabrera’s Cabinet of Horrors: Secret Chambers and Shocking Artifacts with Controversial Origins" (2016-09-10,


A Group of Samurai in front of Egypt's Sphinx, 1864


* "February 9, 1889: A Wondrous Ball Park: The Pyramid Game in Giza, Egypt" ( []
- All-Americas 10
- Chicago White Stockings 6


Miscellany & Errata

* "Memorial And Biographical History Of The Counties Of Fresno, Tulare, And Kern, California" (1892, edited by Myron Angel, via [] [begin excerpt]:
THE discovery of California was directly the result of a belief entertained in the early part of the sixteenth century that there was a direct passage from the Atlantic ocean to the Indian seas. This highway was sought for by various navigators of that time, and when Hernando Cortez landed in Vera Cruz in April, 1519, he was confident that he had reached Asia. It was his intention to settle the shadow of doubt by following the coast around to India, and this resolution in succeeding years resulted in the discovery of California. Cortez founded the town of Zacatula, 180 miles north  of Acapulco, Mexico, where he built a fleet and a few years later, in 1532, sent out the ships in search of lands then unknown to previous travelers. The voyage was a disastrous one, and in 1533 he sent out two ships in search of the missing vessels. These ships were under the command of Hernando Grijalva and Diego Becerra de Mendoza, the latter a cousin of Cortez. Grijalva soon abandoned the search in despair and returned to Zacatula; Mendoza was murdered by the crew of his ship, headed  by one Fortuno Jimenez, a pilot; and the mutineers followed the coast northward until a beautiful  bay, since called La Paz, was reached. This bay is on the western side of the gulf of California, 100 miles north of Cape St. Lucas. Jimenez and nearly all of his crew were here murdered by Indians, and the leader of the mutineers was not aware, at the time of his tragic death, that he possessed the proud distinction and would be credited in history as the discoverer of California.
Cortez landed at Santa Cruz, then known as Jimenez Bay, May 3, 1535, but owing to the hostility of the Indians he was compelled a year later to abandon his possessions. In 1539, he sent Captain Francisco de Ulloa to the gulf, which he explored nearly to the mouth of the Colorado, and then, rounding the point, sailed up the outer coast to Cedros Islands.

The honor of first sighting New, or Upper, California was reserved to Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, one of the pilots of Cortez, who in 1542, under instructions from the viceroy of Spain, Antonio de Mendoza, sailed from the port of Navidad in Mexico, on an expedition of discovery of the coast toward the north. He anchored in San Diego bay, to which he gave the name of San Miguel, and in October, 1542, visited the Santa Catalina Island. After touching at the Indian town of Xuca, in the vicinity of what is now known as San Buenaventura, Cabrillo made his way northward until he reached Monterey bay, where the brave navigator a short time after died.
He was succeeded by Bartolome Ferrello, a Levantine pilot, who continued northward until be arrived at the region between Humboldt and Trinidad bays, after which he turned south again. No further efforts were made to discover the mysteries of the upper coast for thirty-five years following.
In 1577, Captain Drake, the famous navigator, started on his great buccaneering expedition along the Spanish coast, and in 1579 he determined to make for England by way of the Cape of Good Hope. Contrary winds drove his ship northward, but finding himself in the arctic latitudes he headed south again until he reached the latitude of thirty-eight degrees, where he discovered a country which from its white cliffs he called New Albion. Here he found a bay in which he anchored, and formally took possession of the country in the name of Queen Elizabeth. Some diversity of opinion exists as to the identity of Drake's anchorage, some assuming that he reefed sails in Bodega bay, others that he stopped in the waters now bearing his name, and others still that he had reached the bay of San Francisco. The general inference, however, is, that Drake anchored in the bay that now bears his name and did not discover San Francisco. Several years later, voyages were made by Francisco Gali, Carmenon and Sebastian Viscaino.
Neither of these voyagers accomplished much more than their predecessors, and between the years 1615 and 1668, eight separate and fruitless efforts to make further discoveries were advanced. The glaring accounts of these explorers excited the public mind for many years, There were visions of a magnificent country, golden sands and pearls of great price, but gradually the adventurous spirits of the conquering Spaniards waned, and for more than 100 years there is a blank in the annals of California.
[end excerpt]

* "Alien Attack! Huge UFO Hovers in Sky Above Baltimore - Video; When people tell you about a strange UFO they saw at night far from civilization, you might be sceptical. But when people film something really bizarre during the day in the middle of a city – then the matter is slightly different" (2019-10-15,
* "13-10-2019: Excellent UFO Experience Over Baltimore, Maryland, U.S." (2019-10-13,



* "The Mysterious Secret Society of Ancient India and The Nine Unknown Men of Ashoka" (2016-09-25,

* "Study reveals how ancestors' experience affects offsprings" (2019-10-15,

* "Paris zoo unveils the "blob", an organism with no brain but 720 sexes" (2019-10-16,

* "Mysterious newly discovered virus DEFIES EVOLUTION, current scientific understanding" (2019-10-21,


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

Files types linked are noted if not standard (.html). Files noted as (.pdf) may be viewed in most standard browsers, or by downloading the viewer app from the proprietor [].
( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thursday, October 17, 2019

THEE STRANGER NEWS (October 17th, 2019)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []
Meandering track of Progressive Psytrance: []

Science & Futurism

* "How much energy would it take to travel through time?" (2019-10-12,

* "Want to book a room? Roscosmos may soon offer nuclear-powered base on the Moon for rent" (2019-10-13,

* "Chinese ‘UFO’: Helicopter dubbed ‘Super Great White Shark’ makes waves at Tianjin airshow" (2019-10-10, [begin excerpt]:
Images of the circular rotorcraft appeared online on the eve of the fifth China Helicopter Exposition, which officially opened in Tianjin on Thursday. While in the “initial stage of its design,” according to the machine-translated sign at the exhibit, it is supposed to draw on the “mature” design technologies used in the contemporary US and Russian attack and cargo helicopters. [end excerpt]

- image caption: Cutaway schematic of the 'Super Great White Shark' found on Chinese internet


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Mystery surrounds curious SPACE FIREBALLS that crashed in Chile as experts rule out meteor shower" (2019-10-11,

* "Incoming: Series of ‘near-Earth’ asteroids hurtling past our planet this week" (2019-10-09,
* "111-foot asteroid screeching towards Earth at over 22,000 miles per hour" (2019-10-13,

* "European Space Agency Says Large Asteroid May Hit Earth in 65 Years; The asteroid is expected to pass extremely close to the Earth in 2084, but there is a chance that gravitational interference from other planets could send it directly into our atmosphere" (2019-10-10,

* "NASA's Curiosity Rover Uncovers Dried, Salty Lake Bed in Martian Crater; NASA’s Curiosity rover, a space exploration vehicle designed to move across the surface of Mars, has detected sulfate salt sediments in Gale Crater, a dry lake bed on the planet, suggesting that the crater once contained salty lakes which could have supported life" (2019-10-08, []
* "Signs of life? NASA’s Curiosity rover discovers ancient oasis on Mars 3.5 billion years in the making" (2019-10-08,

* "First artist to go on a spacewalk: Late cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov leaves behind AMAZING SCI-FI PAINTINGS" (2019-10-11, [begin excerpt]: Legendary space explorer Aleksei Leonov, who died at the age of 85, was a true romantic. He believed in aliens and drew stunning pictures of cosmonauts and far away planets all his life. [...]
In 1965, Leonov became the first man ever to exit his capsule while in the Earth’s orbit and perform a spacewalk which lasted 12 minutes and was riddled with emergency situations.
Ten years later, the Siberian native made history again as the commander of the Soviet crew during the 1975 Soyuz-Apollo mission that saw the Russian and American modules docking with each other in space.
Of course, most of the 200 pictures he drew were space-themed, based on both personal experience and fantasies of manned missions to far away planets, which he hoped humans would explore someday.
His feats in space were what attracted public attention to his art, but the cosmonaut’s works proved worthy of praise from the critics. The self-taught painter became a member of the Soviet Union of Artists, while his drawings appeared on Soviet postal stamps. [...]
Unlike some of his colleagues, Leonov never claimed to have met aliens during his space mission, but said that he was ready to sacrifice his life in order to make contact with extraterrestrials.“If we have life here on Earth, why shouldn’t it exist elsewhere? There’s a billion galaxies out there,” he argued. [end excerpt]
- image caption: “Inside a Martian Crater” by Aleksei Leonov.

- image caption: “Volcanic Eruption on the Moon” by Aleksei Leonov.


* "Saturn Dethrones Jupiter as King of the Moons as Astronomers Discover Bevy of New Rocks in its Orbit; In July 2018, scientists announced the discovery of 12 new moons orbiting Jupiter, bringing the planet’s total number of known moons to an amazing 79—the most of any planet in our Solar System" (2019-10-08,

* "Nobel Prize Winner Reveals When Humankind Can Spot Extraterrestrial Life; The Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz and his fellow astrophysicist Michel Mayor were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on 8 October 'for the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star' alongside Canadian-American physicist James Peebles, who received the prestigious prize for 'theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology' " (2019-10-09,

* "Black hole caught flickering violently WITHIN our galaxy" (2019-10-14,


Ancient News

* "Early humans 400,000 years ago store bone marrow like canned soup: study" (2019-10-09,

* "Stunning pictures of the world’s only uniquely preserved cave lion cubs as new secrets revealed; ‘Male siblings born 44,000 years ago' found ten metres apart in Yakutia but the truth is rather different - amid hopes to bring species back to life" (2019-09-18, []

* "The Life-Giving Properties of One of the World’s Oldest Cheeses; In Xinjiang, the living process dairy the way 4,000-year-old mummies did" (20198-11-06,

* "2,000 year-old tomb unearthed in east China" (2019-10-09,

* "Two large-scale palace relics discovered in China" (2019-10-12,

* "Across China: A glance at Tibet's largest survey of ancient books" (2019-10-08,

* "A 1000-Year-Old Nordic Spearhead Raises the Question - Were The Vikings in New York?" (2016-09-05,

* "Borsporan Kingdom real estate compound discovered during Crimean Bridge construction; The launch of freight railway traffic via the Crimean Bridge will be postponed to June 2020 to preserve the archaeological monument unearthed in the course of construction works" (2019-10-08,

* "Peru Reacquires 10 Patrimonial Pieces From Bolivia; The cultural assets were handed over by the Bolivian Minister of Culture and Tourism to the Peruvian ambassador to Bolivia; The pieces come from different cultures that inhabited the current region of Peru in a chronological framework between 900 B.C. and 1538 A.C." (2019-10-10, []

* "U.S. returns historic artifact to Libya" (2019-10-08,


Miscellany & Errata

* "With ‘dopamine fasting’ becoming a thing, Silicon Valley embraces its religious side" (2019-10-10,



* "Video: Fireball Lights Up Sky Across Large Parts of California; California residents took to social media Monday night to report a glowing fireball across the night sky over multiple cities including Sacramento, Lynwood and San Diego" (2019-10-08,

* "Will They Fly Next? Pigs Get Filmed Using Tools for the First Time; The fact that pigs haven’t been spotted using tools, like some other wild species out there, might stem from the fact that wild pigs aren’t particularly well studied" (2019-10-09,


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

Files types linked are noted if not standard (.html). Files noted as (.pdf) may be viewed in most standard browsers, or by downloading the viewer app from the proprietor [].
( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thursday, October 10, 2019

THEE STRANGER NEWS (October 10th, 2019)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Secret Life of a Full-Time Cyborg; Steve Mann invented a precursor to Google Glass in the 1990s—which he now uses almost 24/7. But “the father of wearable computing” has an ominous warning about where technology is taking us next" (2017-06-01,, via []
- image caption: Steve sits near his accolades and some of the artwork he made, using radio waves from smartphones to burn into the wood upon which they are mounted. This work, entitled “Burner Phone,” is an example of real augmented reality.

- image caption: Steve with the SWIM (Sequential Wave Imprinting Machine) that he invented in his childhood in the 1970s. Here it us used to visualize sound waves from a violin.

* "Have You Ever Heard of The Prometheus Project?" (2019-10-05, []:
How much longer will it be where we compare the daily news to “something out of dystopian science fiction” and instead admit that it’s already our reality?
The merger of human and machine is a dream long in the making, as well as the centralized management of behavior, and it’s clearly starting to bear fruit.
Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media discusses a book called The Prometheus Project published in 1969 by physics professor Gerald Feinberg.  His background is interesting in itself, but what he says about transhumanist technologies and “long-range goals” for humanity’s “universal consciousness” is something everyone needs to hear.
"Should the goals of the human race be set by a small elite group, or by as many people as wish to take part in the discussion." — Gerald Feinberg.
- video ( []


* "The sky’s the limit: Siberian scientists set to design Russia’s first FLYING CAR" (2019-10-05, []


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "Alien probes spying on Earth? Scientist warns of possible ‘lurkers’ in our solar system" (2019-10-02, []

* "Cosmic hide and seek: Can you find the huge black hole lurking in this Hubble photo?" (2019-10-01, []


Ancient News

* "New research turns Tasmanian Aboriginal history on its head. The results will help care for the land" (2019-10-03, []

* "Swiss Archaeologists Discover 5,500 Year Old Submerged Monument" (2019-10-02, []
- image caption: Archaeologists have discovered a range of mysterious man-made stones submerged beneath the surface of Lake Constance. (Source: Thurgau Archaeology)


* "5,000-Year-Old Canaanite Megacity Unearthed in Israel" (2019-10-06, []

* "Liangzhu Ancient City: Testament to 5,000-years of Chinese history" (2019-10-03, []

* "French Team Says Satellite Images Reveal Underwater City" (by Gary Vey, []
* "What Happened to the Sunken City of Cuba?" (2014-07-22, []
- image caption: Reconstructed Image taken from the sonar scan of the sea floor off the coast of Cuba.

* "Why Not Look for A-Tlan-Tis in Mexico?" (by Gene D. Matlock, B.A, M.A.,, pg. 1 [], pg. 2 []

* "India's Conquest of the Americas" (by Gene D. Matlock, []
* "The Fabled Sunken Hindu Caribbean Island of Trikuta. Was It the Real Atlantis?" (by Gene D. Matlock, []

* "The Other Side of the Flood: Was Abraham of Indian Descent?" (2019-10-02, []
* "Who Was ABRAHAM?" (by Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.,, pg. 1 [], pg. 2 [], pg. 3 []
* "Is There A Connection Between Ancient Indian And Hebrew Language?" (by Gene D. Matlock, []
* "Did the Hindus Help Write the Bible and Give the Ancient Mexicans Their Religious Traditions?" (by Gene D. Matlock, []

* "Does latest dating of camel bones reveal inaccuracy in the Bible?" (2014-02-06, []

* "Decoded Inscription Reveals Pompeii was a City of Extremes" (2019-10-02, []

* "A Centuries-Old Frieze, Newly Deciphered, Tells the Story of the End of the Bronze Age; A great prince, an almost-forgotten ancient script, and whisperings of a forgery" (2017-10-09, []
- image caption: Copy of the Luwian hieroglyphic inscription about the king of Mira, thought to have been composed around 1180 B.C. Read more at:


* "Achaemenid Tablets Returned to Iran from US; Almost two thousand pieces from the Achaemenid Empire are on display in Iran’s National Museum" (2019-10-02, []
- image caption: Part of Achaemenid-era clay tablets are on display at Iran's National Museum in Tehran, Iran, 02 October 2019


* "Skeleton of Ancient Sports Fan Found Buried with Head-Shaped Jar" (2019-09-29, []

* "The Ancient Greeks May Have Deliberately Built Temples on Fault Lines; Then again, they may just have an awful lot of both" (2017-09-12, []

* "Antikythera Shipwreck and the Discovery of Ancient Tech That Shocked the World" (2019-10-03, []
* "The Antikythera mechanism; The "first computer" - an ancient miracle of technology" (updated 2019-04-10, []

* "Eclipse Prediction on the Ancient Greek Astronomical Calculating Machine Known as the Antikythera Mechanism", figure 2 ( []:
Examples of data gathered in 2005 on the Antikythera Mechanism.
(A) Polynomial Texture Mapping (PTM) with specular enhancement [2]. (B) High-resolution Microfocus X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) [3].

* "Improved X-ray computed tomography reconstruction of the largest fragment of the Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient Greek astronomical calculator" (2018-11-10, []
- image caption: Fig 4. A magnified image of part of fragment A showing gear wheel b3, reconstructed using four methods to compensate for the missing projections.
Fig 4A does not correct for missing projections; Fig 4B erroneously assumes 27 missing projections as had been previously assumed; Fig 4C correctly takes 25 missing projections and replaces the missing projections with grey images with a value of 64,000; Fig 4D uses a weighed mean of the projections on either side of the missing projection.

- image caption: Fig 5. The 223-lunar month Saros Dial.
Red text is traced from data; blue reconstructed from context; green is uncertain.
Image from Freeth T. Eclipse Prediction on the Ancient Greek Astronomical Calculating Machine Known as the Antikythera Mechanism. PLOS ONE. 2014 Jul 30;9(7):e103275. pmid:25075747

- image caption: Fig 6. Deciphering eclipse times for Glyphs 13 and 125 on the Saros Dial.
The X-ray CT images were reconstructed assuming 27 and 25 missing projections. Annotations shown in orange were traced from the data; those in blue (highlighted with a box) were inferred from the data or context and those in green (with a box) are of uncertain interpretation. The diagonal lines in some of the X-ray CT images are the result of dead pixels in the detector.


* "Surprise Discovery That Ancient Tin Ingots Found in Israel Came From England" (2019-09-16, []

* "Ancient Earthworks of North America suggest pre-Columbian European contact" (2015-07-02, []

* "Huge Hoard of Viking Sword Parts Found in Estonia" (2019-10-02, []
- image caption: Some of the hilts bear Viking era designs.


* "Moundbuilder Myth - History and Death of a Legend" (2019-07-13, []

* "The Oldest Treasures From 12 Great Libraries; We asked some of our favorite libraries: What’s the oldest item in your collection?" (2017-10-26, [] [begin excerpt]
New York Academy of Medicine
Apicius, De re culinaria
Created: A.D. 830, Germany
Synopsis: The earliest surviving cookbook in the West, this Latin manuscript contains recipes that date all the way back to the fourth century B.C. These were recipes meant for average Roman households, although they included non-native spices that would have had to travel far to reach the Mediterranean. Some of the highlights, according to the library, are “roast lamb with coriander, deep-fried honey fritters, and cucumber with mint dressing.”
 - image: De re culinaria.
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Constantinus Africanus, Viaticum
Created: No later than 1244, Italy
Synopsis: In the 10th century A.D., Ibn al-Jazzar, an Muslim physician, wrote a book titled Provisions for the Traveler and the Nourishment of the Settled, a compendium of the medical knowledge of the day, which focused on the interaction of humours and elements in the human body. A few decades later, Constantinus traveled from North Africa to a monastery in southern Italy, where he adapted and translated Ibn al-Jazzar’s work into Latin.
- image: Viaticum.
Chicago Botanic Garden
Theophrastus, Historia Plantarum
Created: 1483, Treviso, Italy
Synopsis: Back in the third century B.C., Theophrastus, one of the first botanists of the Western world, set out to catalogue the the plants of ancient Greece and created the first known classifications of plants in his part of the world. He covered a range of trees, shurbs, dwarf shrubs, and herbs and examined how they grew and were used in his own time.
- image: Historia Plantarum.
American Museum of Natural History
Albertus Magnus, De animalibus
Created: 1495, Venice, Italy
Synopsis: Albertus Magnus spent his life studying and commenting on the works of Aristotle. Without his work, much less knowledge of the Greek philosopher would have made it to future generations of scholars. Albertus, who died in 1280 and was later canonized, wrote widely about the scientific and natural worlds. This volume collects his work on the animal kingdom.
- image: De animalibus, title and last pages, including colophon.
New York Public Library
Landévennec Gospels
Created: Circa ninth century, Brittany, France
Synopsis: Like the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library’s oldest written material is a collection of cuneiform tablets. Its oldest manuscript, however, is a ninth-century copy of the Gospels, made in a French monastery, but showing Celtic influence in its imagery.
- image: Landévennec Gospels illustrations, showing a Celtic influence.

[end excerpt]


Miscellany & Errata

* "How Do You Decode a Hapax? (Also, What’s a Hapax?) It’s a word that only appears once in a work, author’s oeuvre, or an entire language’s written record" (2017-09-07, []

* "Ancient Tree With Record of Earth's Magnetic Field Reversal in Its Rings Discovered" (2019-07-04, []
- image caption: The kauri tree unearthed during the expansion of the Ngāwhā Generation geothermal power plant.


* "The Mysterious Tale of the Man from Taured – Evidence for Parallel Universes? Or an Embellishment?" (2016-04-28, []



* "They’re Alive! Megalithic Sites Are More than Just Stone" (2016-05-05, []
- image caption: Carnac menhir caption: One of the 80,000 menhirs in the Carnac region.


* "Worse than Lovecraft: What if the Old Ones were real, but they’re all extinct?" (2019-10-04, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

THEE STRANGER NEWS (October 3rd, 2019)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []

Science & Futurism

* "Linking brains to computers: how new implants are helping us achieve this goal" (2019-09-06, by Yunlong Zhao, of the University of Surrey, via []

* "Facebook to buy startup that lets people control computers with their mind" (2019-09-24, []
* "Defiant Facebook Buys Startup Focused On 'Controlling Computers With Your Mind' " (2019-09-24, []

* "Poor man's qubit can solve quantum problems without going quantum" (2019-09-23,, via [] [begin excerpt]: It may still be decades before quantum computers are ready to solve problems that today's classical computers aren't fast or efficient enough to solve, but the emerging "probabilistic computer" could bridge the gap between classical and quantum computing.
Engineers at Purdue University and Tohoku University in Japan have built the first hardware to demonstrate how the fundamental units of what would be a probabilistic computer - called p-bits - are capable of performing a calculation that quantum computers would usually be called upon to perform. [end excerpt]

* "Researchers reveal how fungi produce compounds with potential pharmaceutical applications" (2019-09-24, []


Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []

* "China's lunar rover discovers mysterious substance on moon's far side" (2019-09-24, []

* "NASA's space telescopes see black hole shredding star" (2019-09-28, []

* "Chinese satellite "Monkey King" sheds new light on origin of cosmic rays" (2019-09-28, []


Ancient News

* "One species, many origins" (2019-09-24,, via []

* "Ancient Ukrainian Megastructures Were Huge Community Centers" (2019-09-27, []

* "Unraveling the Mystery of the Ancient Olbia Gearwheel" (2016-01-09, [] [begin excerpt]: The restoration of the gearwheel found in Olbia (Sardinia, Italy) in 2006 by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage, dated between the mid-2nd century and the end of the 3rd century BC, has revealed a very important surprise: the teeth have a special curving which make them extraordinarily similar to the mathematically perfect profile used in modern gears. Moreover, the unusual composition of the alloy (brass) was completely unexpected. As it turns out, the gear is very scientifically advanced despite being constructed before all other known mechanisms to date. Considering the perfect correlation between the scientific evidence and historical, literary and archaeological studies, it does not seem rash to conclude that the fragment from Olbia was an integral part of the Archimedes Planetarium (Orrery).
The Archimedes Planetarium was one of the most admired technical achievements in antiquity. The best information on this apparatus is given by Cicero, who writes that in the year 212 BC, when Syracuse was sacked by Roman troops, the consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus brought an apparatus constructed by Archimedes to Rome that reproduced the vault of the sky on a sphere, and another that predicted the apparent motions of the Sun, Moon and planets, thus corresponding to a modern planetarium. Cicero, referring to the impressions of Gaius Sulpicius Gallus, who had been able to observe the extraordinary object in person, points out that the genius Archimedes was able to generate the motions of planets, each so different from the next, with a single rotation. Archimedes had described the construction of the Planetarium in the work On Sphere-Making . News of the work, now considered lost, was reported by Pappus of Alexandria. [end excerpt]

* "What is this Mysterious Ancient Structure Found in Downtown Miami?" (2017-11-09, []
- image caption: View from the Miami Circle at Brickell Point Site, from a balcony in a neighboring tower.


* "Where Was the Mysterious Kingdom of Yam?" (2016-03-13, []

* "The Forgotten History of the London Stone, an Artifact Linked to Aeneas, King Arthur, and John Dee" (2016-04-13, []
- image caption: A 1553 representation of Brutus of Troy, a legendary descendant of the Trojan hero Aeneas, was known in medieval British legend as the eponymous founder and first king of Britain.


Miscellany & Errata

* " 'Earth is 100% flat': Boxing legend Carl Froch accuses NASA of being 'fake space agency' " (2019-09-24, []

* "Sweden could drop ancient history from school curriculum in favor of gender roles & postmodernism" (2019-09-27, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

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( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate) and (how-to) (donate). Also [], [].


Thee Stranger News for December, 2023

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California...