Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []
Science & Futurism
* "Science & tech bring risks, but we need them to save humanity – physicist to RT" (2019-10-25,
* "German startup Lilium's all-electric flying taxi completes first test phase" (2019-10-22, [begin excerpt]:
The German electric air taxi Lilium Jet completed its first phase of flight testing, during which it had been flown at speeds exceeding 100 kilometers per hour, the flying taxi startup announced on Tuesday.
"We are now moving into a critical stage of testing as we prepare for high speed operations and eventual certification by the relevant authorities," said Leandro Bigarella, head of flight tests at Lilium.
The fully electric five-seater Lilium Jet would now enter a testing phase in which it is set to fly at with a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour in order to "look specifically at how it performs at high speeds," Lilium stated.
The aircraft, which completed its maiden flight in May 2019, would still be controlled remotely from the ground during the tests, according to Lilium. The jet is built to be able to take off and land vertically with its 36 all-electric turbines, which are installed in its wings. [end excerpt]
Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []
* "Ancient microbes are living inside Europe's deepest meteorite crater" (2019-10-18, []
NEO Watch
* "Aste-RISK! NASA warns space rock twice the size of Eiffel Tower is bearing down on Earth" (2019-10-22,
* "Potentially hazardous asteroid flying past Earth right now visible with even small telescopes" (2019-10-25,
* "Scientist helps discover how water is regenerated on asteroids" (2019-10-09, SPX newswire, []
* "Study suggests ice on lunar south pole may have more than one source" (2019-10-11, SPX newswire, []
* "China releases new photo of mystery ‘Moon glass’ and it’s… something" (2019-10-23,

* "MARS RESISTS! NASA probe backs out of hole while burrowing into red planet’s surface" (2019-10-28,
* "Spacetime tunnels: Scientists reveal how to find wormholes, if they really are out there" (2019-10-24,
Ancient News
* "Humanity’s homeland found in ancient Botswana; Modern humans emerged 200,000 years ago in a region of northern Botswana, scientists claim, in what appeared to be the most precise location of mankind's 'ancestral homeland' yet discovered" (2019-10-28, []
* "Humankind's Ancestral Home Is Botswana: Study; The study is based on investigating the human family tree through the analysis of more than a hundred samples of mitochondrial DNA; Researchers say they traced the origins of all humans to a region located in the north of Botswana" (2019-10-28,
* "Birthplace of modern human life located: Australian researchers" (2019-10-29,
* "Was Tamana a Universal Civilization of Mankind Before the Great Flood?" (2016-10-13, []
* "Structural onomastics, geosemiology and integrative sciencing: Taking the TAMANA perspective" ( []
* "Newgrange: The Massive Irish Tomb That’s Older That The Pyramids; The opening of the ancient tomb of Newgrange in County Meath, Ireland, perfectly aligns with the rising sun every winter solstice" (2019-05-25, []
- image caption: The Newgrange tomb in County Meath, Ireland, just north of Dublin.

* "An Astonishing Revelation in Saqqara – A Hidden Pyramid!" (2019-10-25, []
* "Baffling Bronze Age Weapons Hoard Found in London" (2019-10-22,
* "The Lost Treasure of the Dead Sea Copper Scroll" (2019-03-11,
* "Israel unveils 1,500-year-old Byzantine church with mosaic floors" (2019-10-23,
* "Head of ancient Roman marble statue stolen in 1968 returned to Italy" (2019-10-25,
* "The Sacred Ghost Town of Ani, City of 1001 Churches: Deserted By Man, Destroyed By Nature" (2017-07-19, []
* "Over 1,000-yr-old epitaph found in north China province" (2019-10-28,
* "Naupa Iglesia: An Egyptian Portal in the Andes?" (2016-12-15, []
* "30 Years, 44 Countries, 75,000 Miles: The Endless Adventures Of 14th-Century Explorer Ibn Battuta" (2019-05-26, []
* "American Samoan Star Mounds Baffle Archaeologists" (2019-10-28, []
- image caption: One of many star mounds now revealed on American Samoa.

Science & Futurism
* "Science & tech bring risks, but we need them to save humanity – physicist to RT" (2019-10-25,
* "German startup Lilium's all-electric flying taxi completes first test phase" (2019-10-22, [begin excerpt]:
The German electric air taxi Lilium Jet completed its first phase of flight testing, during which it had been flown at speeds exceeding 100 kilometers per hour, the flying taxi startup announced on Tuesday.
"We are now moving into a critical stage of testing as we prepare for high speed operations and eventual certification by the relevant authorities," said Leandro Bigarella, head of flight tests at Lilium.
The fully electric five-seater Lilium Jet would now enter a testing phase in which it is set to fly at with a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour in order to "look specifically at how it performs at high speeds," Lilium stated.
The aircraft, which completed its maiden flight in May 2019, would still be controlled remotely from the ground during the tests, according to Lilium. The jet is built to be able to take off and land vertically with its 36 all-electric turbines, which are installed in its wings. [end excerpt]
Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, []
* "Ancient microbes are living inside Europe's deepest meteorite crater" (2019-10-18, []
NEO Watch
* "Aste-RISK! NASA warns space rock twice the size of Eiffel Tower is bearing down on Earth" (2019-10-22,
* "Potentially hazardous asteroid flying past Earth right now visible with even small telescopes" (2019-10-25,
* "Scientist helps discover how water is regenerated on asteroids" (2019-10-09, SPX newswire, []
* "Study suggests ice on lunar south pole may have more than one source" (2019-10-11, SPX newswire, []
* "China releases new photo of mystery ‘Moon glass’ and it’s… something" (2019-10-23,

* "MARS RESISTS! NASA probe backs out of hole while burrowing into red planet’s surface" (2019-10-28,
* "Spacetime tunnels: Scientists reveal how to find wormholes, if they really are out there" (2019-10-24,
Ancient News
* "Humanity’s homeland found in ancient Botswana; Modern humans emerged 200,000 years ago in a region of northern Botswana, scientists claim, in what appeared to be the most precise location of mankind's 'ancestral homeland' yet discovered" (2019-10-28, []
* "Humankind's Ancestral Home Is Botswana: Study; The study is based on investigating the human family tree through the analysis of more than a hundred samples of mitochondrial DNA; Researchers say they traced the origins of all humans to a region located in the north of Botswana" (2019-10-28,
* "Birthplace of modern human life located: Australian researchers" (2019-10-29,
* "Was Tamana a Universal Civilization of Mankind Before the Great Flood?" (2016-10-13, []
* "Structural onomastics, geosemiology and integrative sciencing: Taking the TAMANA perspective" ( []
* "Newgrange: The Massive Irish Tomb That’s Older That The Pyramids; The opening of the ancient tomb of Newgrange in County Meath, Ireland, perfectly aligns with the rising sun every winter solstice" (2019-05-25, []
- image caption: The Newgrange tomb in County Meath, Ireland, just north of Dublin.

* "An Astonishing Revelation in Saqqara – A Hidden Pyramid!" (2019-10-25, []
* "Baffling Bronze Age Weapons Hoard Found in London" (2019-10-22,
* "The Lost Treasure of the Dead Sea Copper Scroll" (2019-03-11,
* "Israel unveils 1,500-year-old Byzantine church with mosaic floors" (2019-10-23,
* "Head of ancient Roman marble statue stolen in 1968 returned to Italy" (2019-10-25,
* "The Sacred Ghost Town of Ani, City of 1001 Churches: Deserted By Man, Destroyed By Nature" (2017-07-19, []
* "Over 1,000-yr-old epitaph found in north China province" (2019-10-28,
* "Naupa Iglesia: An Egyptian Portal in the Andes?" (2016-12-15, []
* "30 Years, 44 Countries, 75,000 Miles: The Endless Adventures Of 14th-Century Explorer Ibn Battuta" (2019-05-26, []
* "American Samoan Star Mounds Baffle Archaeologists" (2019-10-28, []
- image caption: One of many star mounds now revealed on American Samoa.

* "Russian navy finds 6 previously unknown ISLANDS after glacier melt" (2019-10-23,
* "Great white sharks found to form recurring communities: study" (2019-10-22,
* "Dinosaur killing asteroid caused mass extinction by turning oceans ACIDIC" (2019-10-22,
* "US Man Turns Massive 910-Pound Pumpkin Into Vessel; What do you do with a pumpkin that weighs more than 900 pounds? You carve it and turn it into a working vessel, of course!" (2019-10-22,

* "Fast and the furriest: Rats enjoy driving tiny cars, US researchers discover" (2019-10-24,

Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership Connection! Broadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

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