A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience. Tune-in online [http://tunein.com/popout/player/s130679].
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise [youtube.com/watch?v=dnlGEQ1NUsk]
Futurism & Strange Science
* "Real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep" (2021-02-18, cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(21)00059-2) [archive.is/Sts09]
* "Scientists Achieve Real-Time Communication With Lucid Dreamers in Breakthrough; International scientists have unlocked a new and exciting avenue to explore the world of dreams" (2021-02-18, vice.com/en/article/4admym/scientists-achieve-real-time-communication-with-lucid-dreamers-in-breakthrough) [archive.is/6DwiS]
* "Chinese researchers make a breakthrough in quantum communication" (2021-09-22, news.cgtn.com/news/2021-09-22/Chinese-researchers-make-a-breakthrough-in-quantum-communication-13LJmM8oe4g/index.html) [archive.is/YRRN7]
* "Scientists Developing Versatile ‘Nano Couriers’ for Future Medicine" (2021-09-21, sputniknews.com/20210921/scientists-developing-versatile-nano-couriers-for-future-medicine-1089273336.html) [archive.is/XcY1w]
* "Chinese scientists for the first time synthesize starch from carbon dioxide" (2021-09-24, news.cn/english/2021-09/24/c_1310206762.htm) [archive.is/x3oAr]
* "Yangshan terminal: Homegrown smart 'brain' contributes to a 'worker-free' port" (2021-09-17, news.cgtn.com/news/2021-09-17/Homegrown-smart-brain-contributes-to-a-worker-free-port-in-E-China-13CFVLzJB7i/index.html) [archive.is/ycKSP] [begin excerpt]: Part of this is thanks to the Yangshan Deep Water Port.
Located in Hangzhou Bay, it has the world's largest automated container terminal, which started operation in December 2017.
With an area of 2.23 million square meters and a shoreline of 2,350 meters, it can handle 4 million TEUs per year.
But busy as it is, there are hardly any workers to be seen there, thanks to a fully automatic management and control system developed by SIPG, which helps realize a whole-process intelligent operation, including container loading and unloading, horizontal transportation and yard loading and unloading.
Connected with the major data and information platforms of Shanghai Port, the system organizes on-site production efficiently through a scheduling module and collaborative process control system.
Terminal operators who used to work on site now work inside the control room, where they can do all their work in front of a computer screen. [...]
The intelligent system, developed by the team itself, has now replaced manual labor in repetitive operations.
In the past, container stowage for a ship would take an experienced stowage engineer three or four hours. Now it has been reduced to 15 minutes, as the automated system can receive all the information from the moment the ship enters the dock, and automatically generate the most efficient solution that can make the whole port work together, said Huang.
The automated remote control technology has shifted operators who previously worked in the 50-meter-high bridge crane to the control room, where they remotely press a button or push a handle to control the operation based on the real-time information displayed on the screen.
Without remote control technology, the terminal would need at least 700 workers. But now, only about 100 are directly involved in the remote operation of the equipment, SIPG Vice-President Fang Huaijin was quoted as saying by Xinhua. [end excerpt]
* "A gem of a lab will bring the world of quantum physics into the light" (2021-09-13, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, pppl.gov/news/2021/09/gem-lab-will-bring-world-quantum-physics-light) [archive.is/BeK5T]
* "Laser solid-phase synthesis of single atom catalysts" (2021-09-09, Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute Of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS, ciomp.ac.cn/, via spacedaily.com/reports/Laser_solid_phase_synthesis_of_single_atom_catalysts_999.html) [archive.is/CZe1Y]
* "Hisense laser TV seeing explosive growth Global sales of laser TVs surge over 600% yoy from January to August 2021" (2021-09-16, tass.com/press-releases/1338549) [archive.is/3xq37], video: "Hisense x Laser TV L9" (2021-08-20, youtube.com/watch?v=n4bNBE5W8X0) [archive.is/HrCjc]

* "X-ray street vision; Researchers at Osaka University create a custom dataset of building facades to train a machine learning algorithm to digitally remove unwanted objects, which may lead to advancements in automatic image reconstruction technology" (2021-09-07, resou.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/research/2021/20210907_1) [archive.is/WgeAu]
* "Researchers reveal a novel metal where electrons flow with fluid-like dynamics" (2021-09-07, bc.edu/, via spacedaily.com/reports/Researchers_reveal_a_novel_metal_where_electrons_flow_with_fluid_like_dynamics_999.html) [archive.is/8Sxvu]
* "Scientists explore method to produce composites with 'shape memory' " (2021-09-14, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Skoltech, skoltech.ru/, via via spacedaily.com/reports/Scientists_explore_method_to_produce_composites_with_shape_memory_999.html) [archive.is/HuI93]
* "Bioscience firm claims will bring back extinct woolly mammoth" (2021-09-13, france24.com/en/live-news/20210913-bioscience-firm-claims-will-bring-back-extinct-woolly-mammoth) [archive.is/SPwt3]
* "Mammoth Hybrid To Be Made Using Asian Elephants" (2021-09-15, ancient-origins.net/news-science-space/mammoth-hybrid-0015821) [archive.is/Cq8Ix]
Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, futurism.com) [archive.is/d6n46]
* "Deep Space Mystery: Unusual Radio Signal Detected Near Centre of Milky Way Baffles Scientists" (2021-09-14, sputniknews.com/20210914/deep-space-mystery-unusual-radio-signal-detected-near-center-of-the-milky-way-baffles-scientists-1089073197.html) [http://web.archive.org/web/20210915045515/https://sputniknews.com/20210914/deep-space-mystery-unusual-radio-signal-detected-near-center-of-the-milky-way-baffles-scientists-1089073197.html]
Space News
"NASA Administrator: Alien Life Is More Likely Than We Thought" (2019, futurism.com) [archive.is/d6n46]
* "Deep Space Mystery: Unusual Radio Signal Detected Near Centre of Milky Way Baffles Scientists" (2021-09-14, sputniknews.com/20210914/deep-space-mystery-unusual-radio-signal-detected-near-center-of-the-milky-way-baffles-scientists-1089073197.html) [http://web.archive.org/web/20210915045515/https://sputniknews.com/20210914/deep-space-mystery-unusual-radio-signal-detected-near-center-of-the-milky-way-baffles-scientists-1089073197.html]
* "Toxic Compound Spotted on Venus Found in Penguin Dung, Media Says" (2021-09-14, sputniknews.com/20210914/toxic-compound-spotted-on-venus-gets-discovered-in-penguin-poo-media-says-1089075541.html) [http://web.archive.org/web/20210915072218/https://sputniknews.com/20210914/toxic-compound-spotted-on-venus-gets-discovered-in-penguin-poo-media-says-1089075541.html]
NEO Watch
B612 Foundation [b612foundation.org] to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.
* "Asteroid three times the size of the Statue of Liberty will zoom past Earth on fall equinox; NASA monitors all Near Earth Objects like this, on the off chance its orbit could change" (2021-09-21, livescience.com/fall-equinox-asteroid-flyby) [archive.is/cPswR]
* "NASA says ‘boom’ and shaking in Virginia was a fireball" (2021-09-23, kwch.com/2021/09/23/nasa-says-boom-shaking-virginia-was-fireball/) [archive.is/KQ620]
Ancient News

NEO Watch
B612 Foundation [b612foundation.org] to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.
* "Asteroid three times the size of the Statue of Liberty will zoom past Earth on fall equinox; NASA monitors all Near Earth Objects like this, on the off chance its orbit could change" (2021-09-21, livescience.com/fall-equinox-asteroid-flyby) [archive.is/cPswR]
Ancient News

* "Neanderthals Passed Human Papillomavirus to Homo Sapiens in Eurasia" (2021-09-14, ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/human-papillomavirus-0015814) [archive.is/1LJ3x]
* "Scientists find evidence of humans making clothes 120,000 years ago; Tools and bones in Moroccan cave could be some of earliest evidence of the hallmark human behaviour" (2021-09-16, theguardian.com/science/2021/sep/16/scientists-find-evidence-of-humans-making-clothes-120000-years-ago) [archive.is/zqg2u]
* "Fossil footprints show humans in North America more than 21,000 years ago; The footprints, the earliest firm evidence for humans in the Americas, show that people must have arrived here before the last Ice Age" (2021-09-23, nbcnews.com/science/science-news/fossil-footprints-show-humans-north-america-21000-years-ago-rcna2169) [archive.is/4PVwU]
* "Early Homo sapiens groups in Europe faced subarctic climates" (2021-09-23, eva.mpg.de/press/news/article/early-homo-sapiens-groups-in-europe-faced-subarctic-climates/) [archive.is/wGJXf]
* "Three Possible Locations for a Redhead Homeland; Judas was often portrayed as a redhead. But now the gingers are fighting back" (2013-09-23, bigthink.com/strange-maps/625-gingers-of-the-world-unite/) [archive.is/VALEt] [begin excerpt]:
Historical examples of ‘gingerism’ date as far back as ancient Egypt, where red-headed men were sacrificed to Osiris. Judas, who betrayed Jesus to the Romans, is often depicted as having red hair. In mediaeval Europe, red hair was frequently considered the mark of a witch, a werewolf or a vampire.
Even in more recent times, redheads were considered behavioural outliers – more temperamental and libidinous than ‘normal-haired’ people. A 19th-century survey ‘proved’ that 48% of so-called ‘criminal women’ (i.e. prostitutes) had red hair, to name but one now discredited example.
That is not to say there aren’t any demonstrable peculiarities about redheads. While the average adult has 120,000 hairs on their head, redheads only have about 90,000. Strangely enough, redheads have a different sensitivity to pain than non-gingers: they are more sensitive to thermal pain (heat and cold), but less sensitive to certain other sources of pain (including electrical current). They also require a dose of anaesthetic up to 20% higher than others. And according to some sources, bees sting redheads more than non-redheads – a claim oft repeated but not corroborated anywhere.
So why does red hair even exist? Some scientist speculate that ginger hair (and the often accompanying lighter skin) evolved in dimly sunlit northern regions in order to enhance the body’s heat retention and vitamin D production. But other scientists prefer to think of gingers as the result of ‘genetic drift’: red hair (and lighter skin) occurs in sunnier climes as well, but the reduced tolerance to UV rays means that gingers are less likely to survive and thrive there. [end excerpt]
* "Study by Yale University Experts Proves Vinland Map is a Hoax" (2021-09-16, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/vinland-map-hoax-0015822) [archive.is/RFX1U]
* "Analysis unlocks secret of the Vinland Map — it’s a fake" (2021-09-01, news.yale.edu/2021/09/01/analysis-unlocks-secret-vinland-map-its-fake) [archive.is/CxQ24]
* (https://www.facebook.com/HistoricPhotographs/posts/1917786111728463): A Viking era ring inscribed with the words 'for Allah', found in the grave of a woman who was buried 1200 years ago in Birka, 25 km west of modern-day Stockholm. The ring constitutes a unique material evidence of direct contact between the Vikings and the Abbasid Caliphate.

- [comment]: More like looting, ha ha ha! Still, I would assume the Caliphates to the south in North Africa, the Mediterranean World, and Central Asia & the Caucus and Black Sea regions had extensive trade with the non-Roman civilizations of the Norse & Rus!
* (2018-08-27, https://www.facebook.com/mimameidr/posts/1509331132546327): Europe is filled with traditional festivals where strange figures, vegetation spirits, wild men and monstrous creatures appear. Many of these characters are certainly extremely ancient and have been populating rituals related to seasonal and agricultural cycles for millennia.
These are some of the photos of Charles Fréger, a photographer who has travelled for years portraying these masks, which he collected in the book "Wilder Mann".
* "DNA Analysis Rewrites Ancient History of Japan; A new study suggests the island’s modern populations trace their ancestry to three distinct groups, not two as previously proposed" (2021-09-21, smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/japanese-ancestors-came-from-three-ancient-groups-180978725/) [archive.is/Clj2k]
* "Armageddon at 10,000 BCE; Fragments of a comet likely hit Earth 12,800 years ago, and a little Paleolithic village in Syria might have suffered the impact" (2020-03-30, eos.org/articles/armageddon-at-10000-bce) [archive.is/ONEoQ]
* "Why It Took So Long to Invent the Wheel" (2012-03-02, livescience.com/18808-invention-wheel.html) [archive.is/kWB6R]
* "Wheeled transport in pre-colonial West Africa" (2011-12-07, cambridge.org/core/journals/africa/article/abs/wheeled-transport-in-precolonial-west-africa/EA4BFAEDA97B73E8201B16D2E0D83D35) [archive.is/dDDWN], extract: One of the most important differences in technology between Africa south of the Sahara during the pre-colonial period and many other areas of the world, it is frequently suggested, was the almost complete absence in the former of any form of wheeled transport. The transport of goods overland in pre-colonial sub-Saharan Africa was normally done by pack animals, where these were available, or more generally by human porterage. This lack of wheeled transport, it might be argued, had crucial implications for the history of sub-Saharan Africa, since the high cost of transport by pack animals and human porterage has often been presented as one of the principal constraints upon the expansion of trade, and hence of economic growth generally, in pre-colonial times. The lack of wheels in sub-Saharan Africa, it is clear, cannot have been due simply to ignorance, since many areas of the continent had been in contact with wheel-using civilizations outside Africa for several centuries before the colonial conquest at the end of the nineteenth century. Indeed, as this article will show, there is abundant evidence that, in West Africa at least, the technology of wheeled transport was quite widely known, though put to only very limited use, in the pre-colonial period. The reasons why this technology, although readily available, was nevertheless not generally adopted are, however, very far from being clear.
* "Giant pyramid built by the Maya was made from rock spewed by a volcano; The enormous structure may have been intended to honor the eruption" (2021-09-21, livescience.com/mayan-pyramid-from-volcano) [archive.is/zsXTJ]
- image caption: The Campana structure, with the San Salvador volcanic complex in the background.
* "Ancient Pyramid Made From Volcanic Ash Likely Built to 'Calm Earth’s Anger,' Media Says" (2021-09-21, sputniknews.com/20210921/ancient-pyramid-made-from-volcanic-ash-likely-built-to-calm-earths-anger-media-says-1089275912.html) [archive.is/f7m1D] [begin excerpt]: The Tierra Blanca Joven eruption, which occurred in what eventually became modern-day El Salvador, covered an area with a radius of 35 km with waist-high layer of tephra, and led to a historical period known as “Maya Hiatus,” when many Mayan communities around the volcano had to be abandoned, the media outlet notes.
Seeking to assess the impact of this disaster on local communities at the time, Akira Ichikawa, an archaeologist at the University of Colorado Boulder, investigated the San Andres site – where there are remnants of a Maya settlement that houses the pyramid known as La Campana. [end excerpt]
* photo showing Big Pyramid In La Campana Archeological Zone

* "Mexico’s Ancient Inhabitants Moved Land and Bent Rivers to Build Teotihuacán; Architects of the Mesoamerican city transformed the landscape in ways that continue to impact modern development today, a new study finds" (2021-09-23, smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/ancient-engineers-moved-land-and-bent-rivers-to-build-teotihuacan-180978735/) [archive.is/N4ZGD]
* "Hidden Traces of a Massive Ancient City Are Still in Mexico's Landscape Today" (2021-09-22, sciencealert.com/modern-day-mexico-follows-the-contours-of-this-ancient-city) [archive.is/wMXmP]
* "3,500-year-old clay tablet repatriated to Iraq; Looted from Iraqi museum 30 years ago, $1.7 million Gilgamesh Dream tablet contains portion of Epic of Gilgamesh, considered to be one of the earliest surviving works of notable literature" (2021-09-24, israelhayom.com/2021/09/24/3500-year-old-clay-tablet-repatriated-to-iraq/) [archive.is/pygfF]
* "Meteor destroyed ancient city, likely inspired Bible tale of Sodom, study finds; Fire, brimstone and rain of salt that left barren earth: Scientists describe ‘civilization-ending catastrophe’ that wiped out Tall el-Hammam near Dead Sea some 3,600 years ago" (2021-09-24, timesofisrael.com/meteor-destroyed-ancient-city-likely-inspired-bible-tale-of-sodom-study-finds/) [archive.is/SGQBo]
* "Biblical legend of Sodom and Gomorrah could be based on actual event; The ancient cities were destroyed, but scientists suggest it was a 'cosmic airburst' that did the damage, not divine retribution for human wickedness" (2021-09-24, israelhayom.com/2021/09/24/biblical-legend-of-sodom-and-gomorrah-could-be-based-on-actual-event/) [archive.is/CavG1]
* "2,700 years ago, tiny clay piece sealed deal for Bible’s King Jeroboam II; Bought for a pittance at a market in 1980, 8th century BCE paleo-Hebrew inscription is the earliest writing found on a clay seal impression in the Land of Israel, study shows" (2020-12-10, timesofisrael.com/2700-years-ago-tiny-clay-piece-sealed-deal-for-bibles-king-jeroboam-ii/) [archive.is/0tM6X]
- image caption: 2,700-year-old clay sealing from a stamp from the Israelite King Jeroboam II in the 8th century BCE.

* "A Tiny Artifact Proclaims a Powerfully Encouraging Message" (2021-09, thetrumpet.com/24392-a-tiny-artifact-proclaims-a-powerfully-encouraging-message) [archive.is/69vkc] [begin excerpt]: In fact, it was purchased from a Bedouin antiquities merchant in the 1980s, more than 30 years ago. For years, the man who purchased this tiny artifact assumed it was a forgery. There was no record of where it came from or how it was discovered. He paid about 10 shekels for it—a few cents.
About five years ago, Prof. Yuval Goren from Ben-Gurion University began testing the seal impression. The procedure was intense. Professor Goren “followed a protocol he had forged over the past decade, which includes a series of overlapping tests from varied scientific disciplines.” Only after five years of scrupulous testing was it announced that the bulla was authentic. The media in Israel and worldwide published many articles about it. [end excerpt]
* "Turkish archaeologists discover 1,600-year-old Byzantine-era fountain in Istanbul" (2021-09-24, news.cn/english/2021-09/24/c_1310207209.htm) [archive.is/w0JzK]
* "Missouri’s Native American Picture Cave Has Sold for $2.2million" (2021-09-15, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/picture-cave-0015707) [archive.is/ZY86v]
* "Missouri Cave Filled With Ancient Artwork Sold Against Osage Nation’s Wishes; The Native American tribe had hoped to preserve and protect the site, which may be associated with the Mississippian culture" (2021-09-15, smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/missouri-cave-picture-osage-nation-auction-180978627/) [archive.is/YkGpf]
* "Tibetan Hand and Footprints May Be Oldest Prehistoric Art" (2021-09-16, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/prehistoric-art-tibet-0015825) [archive.is/V9k82]
* "Tibetan Hand and Footprints May Be Oldest Prehistoric Art" (2021-09-16, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/prehistoric-art-tibet-0015825) [archive.is/V9k82]
* (photo @maal216, caption by facebook.com/megalithicmarvels/posts/1207458806402531):
#megalithicmarvels seen in Fars Province, Iran @ ancient Persepolis. The largest blocks are estimated to be upwards of 70 tons each.

- [comment]: Egypt - same type of cast blocks.
* "Bronze Age Coffin and Warrior’s Axe Found In a Pond at a Golf Course!" (2021-09-10, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/bronze-age-coffin-0015802) [archive.is/22ptR]
* "Scaffolding Spotted at Stonehenge as Iconic 4,500-Year-Old Monument Gets Repaired" (2021-09-14, sputniknews.com/20210914/scaffolding-spotted-at-stonehenge-as-iconic-4500-year-old-monument-gets-repaired-1089064320.html) [http://web.archive.org/web/20210914142309/https://sputniknews.com/20210914/scaffolding-spotted-at-stonehenge-as-iconic-4500-year-old-monument-gets-repaired-1089064320.html]
* "They’re Alive! Megalithic Sites Are More than Just Stone" (2021-09-11, ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/alive-megalithic-sites-005827) [archive.is/2vFZS]
* "Jute Cemetery Find Yields Evidence of 5th Century English Origins" (2021-09-10, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/english-origins-0015801) [archive.is/yoYto]
* "Do Akhenaten’s Links with Yom Kippur Traditions Shed New Light on Moses?" (updated 2021-09-17, ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/yom-kippur-traditions-0015826) [archive.is/riHGd]
* "Parallels Between The Jewish Fall Festival And Akhenaten’s Royal Jubilee" (updated 2020-11-27, ancient-origins.net/history/jewish-festivals-0014595) [archive.is/4Bly7]
* "Stunning Golden Mask Adds to Amazing Relics Unearthed at China’s Sanxingdui Ruins" (2021-09-16, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/chinese-treasure-hoard-0015388) [archive.is/gzmuV]
- image caption: A well preserved golden mask was the highlight of a recent unveiling of artifacts found at China’s Sanxingdui ruins.

- image caption: Though not from this year’s Chinese treasure hoard, this Sanxingdui bronze head wearing a gold foil mask is considered to be exceptional and of great importance.

* "Restored silk fabrics from Sanxingdui Ruins unveiled for first time" (2021-09-12, news.cgtn.com/news/2021-09-12/Restored-silk-fabrics-from-Sanxingdui-Ruins-unveiled-for-first-time-13v10aiHR4I/index.html) [archive.is/naGDb] [begin excerpt]: Using modern technology, Chinese archaeologists and researchers have restored silk fabrics from the Sanxingdui Ruins site in southwest China's Sichuan Province and unveiled them for the first time.
Miscellany & Errata
* "Scientists Create Uchuu, Largest And Most Realistic Simulation Of Universe Ever Made" (2021-09-14, sputniknews.com/20210914/scientists-create-uchuu-largest-and-most-realistic-simulation-of-universe-ever-made-1089062066.html) [http://web.archive.org/web/20210914150910/https://sputniknews.com/20210914/scientists-create-uchuu-largest-and-most-realistic-simulation-of-universe-ever-made-1089062066.html]
What appeared to be ash on the surfaces of gold masks, bronze wares and other artifacts uncovered at the site turned out to be silk, according to China's cultural authorities.
This is the first time silk and textile residue has been unearthed at the Sanxingdui Ruins, and the discovery advances the origin of silk in the Sichuan Basin to over 3,000 years ago, according to the archaeologists.
The new findings indicate the ancient Shu Kingdom was one of the important origins of silk in ancient China, shedding light on the unified yet diverse origins of Chinese civilization. [end excerpt]
* "Two Amazing Ancient Artifacts Found Inside Giant Mississippi Alligator" (2021-09-14, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/mississippi-alligator-0015817) [archive.is/XA50L]
* "1,500-Year-Old Temple Ruins Discovered in Uttar Pradesh, India" (2021-09-12, ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/uttar-pradesh-temple-0015809) [archive.is/XimWp]
* "Kesaria Stupa: Ancient Site Commemorating the Alms Bowl of the Buddha" (2021-09-11, ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/kesaria-stupa-0015804) [archive.is/1s0Zb]
* "Tanzania's Zanzibar invites investors to restore historical sites" (2021-09-20, news.cn/english/2021-09/21/c_1310199587.htm) [archive.is/kd8Am]
Miscellany & Errata
* "Scientists Create Uchuu, Largest And Most Realistic Simulation Of Universe Ever Made" (2021-09-14, sputniknews.com/20210914/scientists-create-uchuu-largest-and-most-realistic-simulation-of-universe-ever-made-1089062066.html) [http://web.archive.org/web/20210914150910/https://sputniknews.com/20210914/scientists-create-uchuu-largest-and-most-realistic-simulation-of-universe-ever-made-1089062066.html]
* "The strange case of the Egyptian Black desert" (2021-09-21, plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=71957&SEO=the-strange-case-of-the-egyptian-black-desert) [archive.is/IIgLp]

* "Cavers Reached the Bottom of an Ancient 'Well of Hell' For the First Time; The Well of Barhout in Yemen is millions of years old, nobody knows how it formed, and now cavers have reached the floor for the first time" (2021-09-24, vice.com/en/article/pkbn39/cavers-reached-the-bottom-of-an-ancient-well-of-hell-for-the-first-time) [archive.is/nYGWc]
* "Organic molecule remnants found in nuclei of ancient dinosaur cells" (2021-09-24, phys.org/news/2021-09-molecule-remnants-nuclei-ancient-dinosaur.html) [archive.is/IHrmr]
* "Cartilage cells, chromosomes and DNA preserved in 75 million-year-old baby duck-billed dinosaur" (2020-02-28, by Science China Press, via phys.org/news/2020-02-cartilage-cells-chromosomes-dna-million-year-old.html) [archive.is/SLpyX]
* "Scientists prove bird ovary tissue can be preserved in fossils" (2020-07-29, by Chinese Academy of Sciences, via phys.org/news/2020-07-scientists-bird-ovary-tissue-fossils.html) [archive.is/Y5MH9]
- image caption: Photograph of the fossil bird with ovarian follicles from the Jehol Biota of China and comparison with a chicken.
* "How the imaginary island of Atlantis was mapped" (2015-04-30, vox.com/2015/4/30/8516829/imaginary-island-atlantis-map-kircher) [archive.is/MHqI8]
* "How WHOI’s young pioneers once tried to look for the lost city of Atlantis" (2021-02-03, whoi.edu/news-insights/content/how-a-newly-established-oceanographic-institution-in-woods-hole-searched-for-the-lost-city-of-atlantis/) [archive.is/V5nPn]

* "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rosicrucian_Cosmo-Conception) [archive.is/YaHQL]

* (https://www.facebook.com/dr.jeffery.a.martin/posts/10159942927715774):
The first peer-reviewed, scientific journal article that reports on people transitioning to persistent types of self-transcendence has just been published (i.e.: enlightenment, nonduality, persistent mystical experience, unity consciousness, etc.).
It's open source, so everyone can read it (see link below). Please share! https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2021-81896-001.html
Some of the groundbreaking aspects of the reported research include:
- The first research successfully transitioning a majority of participants to persistent forms of self-transcendence
- The first research to psychologically measure participants before and after their transition, so that differences could be observed
- A wide range of measures, with highly statistically significant results being found for: wellbeing/happiness, positive/negative emotion, meaning, loneliness/relationships, achievement, mystical experience, and much more
- Data from hundreds of participants, from 6 continents, with a wide range of demographics
- A completely secular, scientifically derived protocol
- Protocols delivered in the form of real world, online classes to people at home
- A variety of methods tested from positive psychology, cognitive science, and meditation
- Results reported for different types of persistent self-transcendence
- Comparisons between persistent, temporary, and no reported self-transcendence
- Short (6 week) and Longer (15 week) protocols were compared
This paper is the culmination of a 15+ year global scientific effort into persistent self-transcendence.
It's the first to provide extensive information about what does and doesn’t change, how changes differ across different types of persistent self-transcendence, how these changes differ from people who only experience temporary self-transcendence or no self-transcendence at all, and much more.
---* "Men May Sleep Worse on Nights During the First Half of the Lunar Cycle" (2021-09-13, neurosciencenews.com/lunar-cycle-sleep-19306/) [archive.is/DVxfZ]
* "Bonobos and Chimps Appear to Have ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ Greetings; Like humans, these apes share salutations to start and end interactions" (2021-08-12, smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/bonobos-and-chimps-appear-have-hello-and-goodbye-greetings-180978428/) [archive.is/k5wES]
* "Personality goes a long way, even for squirrels" (2021-09-10, upi.com/Science_News/2021/09/10/squirrels-personality-traits/4091631285581/) [archive.is/re9Gb]
* "What Is the Ig Nobel Prize? Strange Studies on Cat Purrs, Cinema Smells Among Winners" (2021-09-10, newsweek.com/ig-nobel-prize-strange-studies-cat-purrs-cinema-smells-beards-winners-1627831) [archive.is/QBFW6]
* "Do Cats Speak? Of Course. Do They Have Language? Not Exactly; Variations in 'purring, chirping, chattering, trilling, tweedling, murmuring, meowing, moaning, squeaking, hissing, yowling, howling, growling, and other modes of cat–human communication' can tell us a lot, it turns out" (2021-09-14, haaretz.com/science-and-health/the-sound-of-meowsic-how-cats-talk-to-each-other-and-us-1.10206476) [archive.is/BDhSl]
* "Modes of Cat-Human Communication" (2021-09-23, improbable.com/2021/09/23/modes-of-cat-human-communication-2021-ig-informal-lecture/) [archive.is/PoLFG]:
* "Modes of Cat-Human Communication" (2021-09-23, improbable.com/2021/09/23/modes-of-cat-human-communication-2021-ig-informal-lecture/) [archive.is/PoLFG]:
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people LAUGH, then THINK.
In the Ig Informal Lectures, some days after the ceremony, the new Ig Nobel Prize winners attempt to explain what they did, and why they did it. We are releasing these lectures one at a time.
The 2021 Ig Nobel for Biology was awarded to Susanne Schötz, Robert Eklund, and Joost van de Weijer, for analyzing variations in purring, chirping, chattering, trilling, tweedling, murmuring, meowing, moaning, squeaking, hissing, yowling, howling, growling, and other modes of cat–human communication.
- 2021 Ig Informal Lecture (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0joJLkZA96w) [archive.is/f854V]
- Reference: “A Comparative Acoustic Analysis of Purring in Four Cats”, Susanne Schötz and Robert Eklund, Proceedings of Fonetik 2011, Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH, Stockholm, TMH-QPSR, 51 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258704857_A_comparative_acoustic_analysis_of_purring_in_four_cats).
- Reference: “A Phonetic Pilot Study of Vocalisations in Three Cats”, Susanne Schötz, Proceedings of Fonetik 2012, Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/en/publications/a-phonetic-pilot-study-of-vocalisations-in-three-cats(d2621c3b-fdc1-485c-ade6-e5b2b6ad5dfb).html).
- Reference: “A Phonetic Pilot Study of Chirp, Chatter, Tweet and Tweedle in Three Domestic Cats”, Susanne Schötz, Proceedings of Fonetik 2013, Linköping University, Sweden, 2013, pp. 65-68 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/253952939_A_phonetic_pilot_study_of_chirp_chatter_tweet_and_tweedle_in_three_domestic_cats).
- Reference: “A Study of Human Perception of Intonation in Domestic Cat Meows”, Susanne Schötz and Joost van de Weijer, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Dubin, Ireland, May 20-23, 2014 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263194103_A_Study_of_Human_Perception_of_Intonation_in_Domestic_Cat_Meows).
- Reference: “Melody in Human–Cat Communication (Meowsic): Origins, Past, Present and Future”, Susanne Schötz, Robert Eklund, and Joost van de Weijer, 2016 (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325415197_Melody_in_Human-Cat_Communication_Meowsic_Origins_Past_Present_and_Future).
Nudibranch Central (www.facebook.com/groups/1488080524784020/)
- photo showing the Tenellia sp. of the nudibranches:

Learn about the psychedelic sea slugs that live in coral reefs in a fun interactive edutainment environment. Throughout the Nudibranch Central page, you'll cycle through different postings to learn about:
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