Thursday, August 30, 2018

THEE STRANGER NEWS (August 30th, 2018)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple, for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration! Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []
Meandering track: Spacemind - Memory Hole []

Science & Futurism
[] [] [

* "Scientists make 3D-printed structures to replace vessels, ducts in human body" (2018-08-25, [], (2018-08-26, []

* "Kalashnikov Developers Showcase Humanoid Combat Robot; The impressive gigantic invention weighs about 4.5 metric tons and is equipped with two manipulator arms. The innovative humanoid combat robot is manufactured by JSC Kalashnikov Concern" (2018-08-22, []:
Kalashnikov also displayed its new AK-308 assault rifle with a diopter sight and folding stock.
Other new inventions by Kalashnikov include an electric car and an electric motorcycle.
The electric car can reach speeds of up to 80 kph, while the electric bike is easy to use and has a maximum speed of about 100 kph.
- video []


* "Chinese Inventor Presents Flying Scooter After Years of Testing; Inventor Deli Zhao has been testing his flying scooter for the last two years, having carried out a total of over 1,500 individual tests" (2018-08-21, []

* "Russian Scientists Explained How Biofeedback Relaxation Benefits Voice & Speech; A new study conducted by the scientists from Moscow State University of Psychology and Education showed that a biofeedback relaxation technique promotes successful rehabilitation in patients suffering from voice disorders, and helps them deal with stress" (2018-08-22, []


Space News

* "Astrobiologists find possibilities of Moon life: study" (2018-07-24, []

* "Polar ice on Moon raises hopes for lunar colony with water" (2018-08-21, []
* "Scientists discover water ice on moon's surface. Here's why that's big news. The water could provide a critical resource for future expeditions" (2018-08-21, []
* "Scientists confirm ice exists on the surface of Moon" (2018-08-22, []
* "Scientists confirm water ice on moon's surface for first time" (2018-08-24, []

* "Asteroid the size of Great Giza Pyramid making a ‘close approach’ to Earth" (2018-08-26, []

* "Astronomers unravel mysterious past of asteroid Toutatis" (2018-08-21, []


Ancient News
Music for your perusal (via []

* "Saga of early humans etched in DNA of mixed-species child" (2018-08-23, []

* "The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial" (2017-10-06, []
- screengrab caption: Zawi Hawass examining a chamber at the rear of the sphinx

- video []
- screengrab caption: Zawi Hawass descending down a shaft towards a chamber filled with water that contained a large sarcophagus. Credit: Fox

- image caption: Vivant Denon’s sketch of the sphinx in 1798 depicts a man being pulled out of a hole in the sphinx’s head

* "Ptolemaic cemetery discovered in Egypt's Alexandria" (2018-08-26, []

* "Robots Help Find New Tunnels at Ancient Temple in Peru's Andes; Chavin de Huantar was once a religious and administrative center for people across the Andes. It was named after the Chavin people who grew crops in Peru’s central Andes more than 2,000 years ago" (2018-08-21, []

* "Mexico: Archaeologists Discover Ancient Mask of Mayan Ruler; Born in the 7th century, Pakal the Great is said to have ascended to the throne aged 12 and was reportedly king for some 68 years" (2018-08-25, []
- image caption: Born in the 7th century, Pakal the Great is said to have ascended to the throne aged 12 and was king for 68 years.

* "The Maya’s Mystifying Collapse – Has the Truth Finally Been Uncovered? Did the longstanding mystery of what caused the downfall of the Maya - of one of the ancient world's great civilizations – just get solved?" (2018-08-26, []

* "Archaeologists explore a rural field in Kansas, and a lost city emerges" (2018-08-19, []

* "An Unbreakable Story: The Lost Roman Invention of Flexible Glass" (2018-01-18, []

* "Firm Evidence of Early Glass Industry in Ninth-century Palace City of Samarra" (2018-08-25, []

* "Pot with 957 valuable artifacts discovered in Bulgaria" (2018-08-22, []

* "The Great City of Uruk Became Sumerian Powerhouse of Technology, Architecture and Culture" (2018-08-25, []

* "Rock inscription of Tibetan Buddhist texts found in Qinghai" (2018-08-22, [] []
- image caption: Photo taken on Aug. 18, 2018 show a newly-found Tibetan Buddhist rock inscription in Menyuan Hui Autonomous County in Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province. The Tibetan Buddhist rock inscription is considered to be the largest and most well-preserved in the province.


* "Help Find the Missing Corner of the Hopi Tablet To Prove Their Creation Story: Seeking Answers in the Chapel of the Tablet, Africa" (2017-09-09, by Thomas O Mills, Hopi Cultural Center in Second Mesa, Arizona, USA; via [] [begin excerpt]: There is one item that the Hopi seek. The missing corner of the Fire Clan Tablet.
In legend, Masaw guided the Hopi across a large ocean, always traveling east, after a great flood that covered the Earth.  He gave the Hopi a small stone tablet that gave the Hopi permission to occupy this land and in doing so, proved that he existed. It is said that before he gave the stone tablet to them, he broke off the bottom left corner and told them he was going to take the corner back with him across the ocean and that someday in the future their ‘true brother’ would return with the missing corner and prove their creation story. [...]
When you compare the tablets you will notice that Water’s version left off the pyramid on the bottom right-hand corner when he described the tablet in his book. I believe he did this because he knew the controversy that might have taken place back in 1963 if it was included. What could the Hopis have known about the Pyramids? [end excerpt]
- A sketch of what the tablet is said to look like. This illustration is from the Book of the Hopi, by Frank Waters.

- This illustration is from The Book of Truth, by Thomas O Mills. (Via author)

* "Do You Have the Magic Touch? Chicago Library Appeals to Public for Help Transcribing Magical Manuscripts" (2017-09-17, []


Miscellany & Errata

* "Which 'Nessie picture' is the best? Loch Ness Monster papped twice in 1 day" (2018-08-26, []



* "Africa's ancient body modifications, an appreciation of beauty" (2018-08-27, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

THEE STRANGER NEWS (August 23rd, 2018)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple, for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration! Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []
Meandering track: Spacemind - Memory Hole []

Science & Futurism
[] [] [

* "New algorithm inverts physics research process: study" (2018-07-28, []

* "Scientists from University of Western Australia engineer quantum-computing breakthrough" (2018-08-21, []

* "Forever young? Science may be a step closer to halting ageing process" (2018-08-13, []

* "Liz Parrish Wants to Live Forever" (2018-07-18, []

* "Scientists win new funding for pioneering work to map every cell in human body" (2018-08-10, []

* "Artificial humans? Scientists take key step in stem cell research, creating embryo-like structures" (2018-07-24, []

* "By 2050 humans will attend own funerals as robots – futurologist" (2018-07-24, []

* "Super-rich freeze their brains to ‘come back to life’ in 200 years" (2018-08-18, []

* "Chinese researchers use ice to develop 3D nanofabrication method" (2018-07-24, []

* "Chinese researchers develop world's first-ever 4D printing for ceramics" (2018-08-17, []

* "Taobao, HoloLens to develop price-checking smart glasses" (2018-08-08, []

* "Swiss nanoparticle breaks world rotation record: institute" (2018-07-24, []

* "FDA approves magnetic treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder" (2018-08-17, []


Space News

* "The sound of sunshine: NASA releases mesmerizing recording of the sun’s song" (2018-07-26, []

* "Did the moon once support life? It’s likely, according to a new scientific study" (2018-07-24, []

* "Underground lake found on Mars, raising possibility of life; Italian Space Agency (ASI) announced on Wednesday that a body of liquid water has been detected on Mars for the first time" (2018-07-25, []
* "Italian Space Agency's researchers announce discovery of liquid, salty water on Mars" (2018-07-25, []
* "Scientists identify lake of liquid water under surface of Mars" (2018-07-25, []
* "Liquid water lake found on Mars, raising possibility of life" (2018-07-26, []
* "Discovery on Mars: Scientists find large liquid lake, raises possibility of life" (2018-07-26, broadcast transcript, []
* "Life on Mars? Scientists discover underground 'lake' at south pole" (2018-07-25, []

* "Extreme bugs found in slag dump; The world's most alkaline lifeforms are living in contaminated water in the US" (2003-11-19, []

* "New radiation maps may help hunt for life on Jupiter's moon Europa" (2018-07-24, [], (2018-07-25, []

* "Blood-curdling video shows near-Earth asteroids spotted by NASA have skyrocketed in 20yrs" (2018-07-25, []

* "Most low-mass exoplanets are rocky: research" (2018-08-12, []
* "Most low-mass exoplanets are rocky: research" (2018-08-11, []

* "NASA detects hydrogen 'wall' surrounding solar system" (2018-08-16, []
* "NASA detects hydrogen "wall" surrounding solar system" (2018-08-15, []

* "Exoplanets may be water balls: study" (2018-08-18, []
* "Harvard researcher suggests many water-worlds in space" (2018-08-20, []

* "Turning inside out: Born-again star may predict how solar system will end" (2018-08-08, []


Ancient News
Music for your perusal (via []

* "Burial chambers of 2 ancient officials discovered in Upper Egypt's Minya" (2018-07-31, [] []

* "Great Pyramid of Giza can concentrate electromagnetic energy - study" (2018-07-31, [] [] []

* "Study reveals the Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy; Scientists created a model of the pyramid resonant electromagnetic responce" (2018-07-30, ITMO UNIVERSITY, [] [] [] [begin excerpt]:
An international research group applied methods of theoretical physics to investigate the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves. Scientists predicted that under resonance conditions the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base. The research group plans to use these theoretical results to design nanoparticles capable of reproducing similar effects in the optical range. Such nanoparticles may be used, for example, to develop sensors and highly efficient solar cells. The study was published in the Journal of Applied Physics.
While Egyptian pyramids are surrounded by many myths and legends, we have little scientifically reliable information about their physical properties. As it turns out, sometimes this information proves to be more striking that any fiction. This idea found confirmation in a new joint study by scientists from ITMO University and the Laser Zentrum Hannover. The physicists took an interest in how the Great Pyramid would interact with electromagnetic waves of a proportional or, in other words, resonant length. Calculations showed that in the resonant state the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in the pyramid's internal chambers as well as under its base, where the third unfinished chamber is located.
These conclusions were derived on the basis of numerical modeling and analytical methods of physics. The researchers first estimated that resonances in the pyramid can be induced by radio waves with a length ranging from 200 to 600 meters. Then, they made a model of the electromagnetic response of the pyramid and calculated the extinction cross section. This value helps to estimate which part of the incident wave energy can be scattered or absorbed by the pyramid under resonant conditions. Finally, for the same conditions, the scientists obtained the electromagnetic fields distribution inside the pyramid.
In order to explain the results, the scientists conducted a multipole analysis. This method is widely used in physics to study the interaction between a complex object and electromagnetic field. The object scattering the field is replaced by a set of simpler sources of radiation: multipoles. The collection of multipoles radiation coincides with the field scattering by an entire object. Therefore, knowing the type of each multipole, it is possible to predict and explain the distribution and configuration of the scattered fields in the whole system.
The Great Pyramid attracted the researchers while they were studying the interaction between light and dielectric nanoparticles. The scattering of light by nanoparticles depends on their size, shape and refractive index of the source material. Varying these parameters, it is possible to determine the resonance scattering regimes and use them to develop devices for controlling light at the nanoscale. [end excerpt]

* "Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration" (2018-07-20) [], abstract:
Resonant response of the Great Pyramid interacting with external electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range (the wavelength range is 200–600 m) is theoretically investigated. With the help of numerical simulations and multipole decomposition, it is found that spectra of the extinction and scattering cross sections include resonant features associated with excitation of the Pyramid's electromagnetic dipole and quadrupole moments. Electromagnetic field distributions inside the Pyramid at the resonant conditions are demonstrated and discussed for two cases, when the Pyramid is located in a homogeneous space or on a substrate. It is revealed that the Pyramid's chambers can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy for the both surrounding conditions. In the case of the Pyramid on the substrate, at the shorter wavelengths, the electromagnetic energy accumulates in the chambers providing local spectral maxima for electric and magnetic fields. It is shown that basically the Pyramid scatters the electromagnetic waves and focuses them into the substrate region. The spectral dependence of the focusing effect is discussed. [end excerpt]

* "Researchers discover what was on top of the Great Pyramid" (2015-04-24, [] [] []:
The investigations of renowned Spanish architect Miguel Pérez-Sánchez that lasted over ten years, allowed  him to rebuild via computer models and with great accuracy, the pyramid of Cheops and determine that it was “crowned” by a sphere of 2 meters in diameter.

Pérez Sánchez announced his discovery in a publication of the book containing his doctoral thesis where he explained that “the pyramid of Cheops, according to analysis, demonstrates that it was an encyclopedia of knowledge.”

The Great Pyramid is the most important building of the Old Kingdom, it is one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, the only one that remains standing today. Devoid of its original coating blocks of white limestone, the great Pyramid lacks its summit which gave the pyramid another 9 meters in height. Now, researchers know the exact shape of the object that was placed on top of the pyramid.
As proposed by Pérez-Sánchez, the sphere that the ancient Egyptians placed at the top of the pyramid symbolized the Eye of Horus and had a diameter of 2,718 royal cubits (2.7 meters), which is the accurate measure of the number e. The sphere located on the Pyramid was placed as a worship to the Sun and Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which was associated with Isis.
Pérez-Sánchez had the support of a multidisciplinary team in his investigation, allowing him to construct a computer replica of the Great Pyramid like never before.
The three-dimensional drawing of the Great Pyramid has revealed its original measurements, analyzing it, allowed researchers to understand the historical significance of the monument. In addition of the sphere located on top of the pyramid, missing today, analysis enabled researchers to find out the inclination angle of 51,84º, the platform that supported the sphere with a pi perimeter of royal cubits; and the height of the pyramidal vertex of 277 778 cubits, equal to the quotient of dividing 1,000,000 between 3,600. According to Pérez-Sánchez, the discovery of the original shape and dimensions of the Great Pyramid, its reconstruction and analysis revealed an architecture made of pure mathematics, geometry, geodesy and astronomy.

The original surface of the pyramid, now in ruins, was 100,000 times the number pi (π) 3000 years ahead of the understanding of π.
The ancient Egyptians that planned the Pyramid had an incredible scientific knowledge, understanding the Pythagorean Theorem two millennium ahead of time, a precision in the definition of pi with 6 decimals 3 millennia ahead of its time, including the knowledge of the number e, and the accurate measures of the Earth, Sun and Sirius anticipated over 4 millennia.
The geodesic dependence of the Great Pyramid has been confirmed by scaling relations based on the sexagesimal system. The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. Multiplied by 10^8 gives a reasonable estimate of the earth’s mass. It also represents the Sun’s Radius: Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10^8 is the sun’s mean radius. [270.45378502 Pyramid Inches* 10^8 = 427,316 miles]

Thanks to the astronomical data provided by Plutarch, researchers managed to place the incredible monument in its historical context understanding why Pharaoh Khufu had commissioned these incredible projects.
This is believed to be the reason why, Snefru, father of Khufu, built during his reign, three pyramids in search for the “perfect pyramid” which explains the efforts of the architects of the Pyramid, to include within the Great Pyramid, their knowledge of the past.
More importantly, Pérez-Sánchez mentions the great Sphinx in his work, stating that “the Great Sphinx is not contemporary with the pyramids that surround it, but it is the product of a much earlier civilization that shaped and carved it around the eight millennium BC.

Please access the official website in spansh for this research

* "Lighting Up Saqqara: An Electrifying Alternative Theory for the Oversized Serapeum Sarcophagi" (2018-07-27, []

RICHARD KELLY MOORE: The Suppressed Electrical Universe Theory and its Importance for Understanding Climate Change (2014-07-16) []

* "Kailasa Temple: How Was This Massive Hindu Temple Carved out of a Single Rock?" (2017-06-16, []


* "Ancient churches and origins of wine in Republic of Georgia" (2018-07-26, []

* "Han Dynasty village discovered in Sichuan" (2018-07-26, []
* "Site of Han Dynasty village discovered in Sichuan, SW China" (2018-07-27, []

* "Yunnan launches preservation project on ancient books" (2018-07-24, [] [begin excerpt]: The project, primarily registering authors, book editions, as well as the locations of the books, was jointly organized by the Ancient Books Preservation and Conservation Association of China and the Yunnan Ancient Books Preservation Center.
Yunnan is home to more than one million ancient books. Since 2008, Yunnan has registered and cataloged about 70 percent of its ancient books found in local libraries, museums, and temples. [end excerpt]

* "Legendary Lost City of Ucetia Has Been Found and Its Remains are Breathtaking" (2017-04-03, []

* "Hexi Corridor excavations lead to climatic change discovery" (2018-08-07, []

* "40,000-yo foal unearthed in Siberia’s ‘Gateway to the Underworld’ in perfect condition" (2018-08-12, []
- image caption: North-Eastern Federal University

* "World’s only ‘prickly’ woolly mammoth hat goes on sale in Siberia for $10k" (2018-08-13, []

* "Mexican Archaeologists Find Oldest Mayan Remains in Cave; Mayan civilization dominated the region for some 2,000 years before the ancient civilization mysteriously abandoned its cities" (2018-08-12, []
* "Ancient Mayan discovery: 7,000yo skeleton unearthed in Mexican cave" (2018-08-09, []
- image caption: One of the skulls recovered from the cave in Tabasco


Astonishingly, no photographs show the grounds of the excavation site where...
* "New sphinx discovered in Luxor" (2018-08-09, []:
A sphinx was found during the development of Al-Kabbash Road project, declared General Director of Luxor Antiquities Mohamed Abdel Aziz on Sunday.
Abdel Aziz remarked that the ministry is currently working on lifting the statue because due to the nature of the environment it is in, it cannot be extracted directly from its place.
He added that Minister of Antiquities Khaled al-Anani has urged tourists to visit Al-Kabbash road to see the statue.
In the same context, Bassam al-Shamma, a researcher in Egyptology, remarked that the Sphinx’s discovery is expected as several sphinx statues are found across Luxor such as the sphinx statues for King Aymanhotb III and Thutmose IV.
Al-Kabbash Road project, which would be finished by the end of 2018, was resumed in 2017 with a budget of LE 230 million ($12.7 million) in cooperation with Luxor governorate, the head of the projects’ sector at the Ministry of Antiquities, Waheed Abou el-Ela, told Egypt Today Friday, quoting Minister al-Anani.
Abou el-Ela said the road will be paved to allow easy access for visitors in addition to moving utilities like electricity and water. The project includes the development of the floors, the completion of the excavation and repairs to the collection of Al-Kabbash, ram-headed sphinxes, in the warehouses followed by re-installing them.
Al-Anani announced that an engineering committee visited Luxor on May 27 to discuss all the project’s obstacles, to prepare a detailed study of the current situation and to prepare a comprehensive financial feasibility study for the project.
Al-Kabbash Road is the road that connects Luxor Temple to Karnak Temple.
The project to excavate and restore Al-Kabbash Road began in 2005 and about LE 600 million have been spent on the project. The project was halted after the January 25 Revolution.
* "Ancient Egyptian sphinx discovered during road construction between ancient temples" (2018-08-07, []
* "Surprise Discovery of 4,000-Year-Old Egyptian Sphinx with Human Head and Lion Body" (2018-08-12, []
* "Has Egypt's second sphinx been found? Ancient statue with a 'lion's body and a human head' is unearthed by stunned construction workers" (2018-08-09, [], synopsis: The new statue was discovered between the temples of Karnak and Luxor. The 'sphinx' was found on Al-Kabbash Road which connects the two temples. Officials has confirmed the statue has a 'lion's body with a human head'. Great Sphinx of Giza in Egypt was near the Great Pyramids on the west bank. It is the oldest and largest known monumental sculpture in the world.
* "Another ancient sphinx likely found in Egypt: report" (2018-08-13, []

* "Discovery of the statue of the "Sphinx" in the way of the rams in Luxor .. Learn the details" (2018-08-05,اكتشاف-تمثال-لـ-أبو-الهول-فى-طريق-الكباش-بالأقصر-اعرف/3899787) []; (translation, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Director General of the Antiquities of Luxor, said that a statue of the "Sphinx" was discovered during the development of the Kabbash road project, which is due to be completed later this year, in preparation for its opening.
The director general of the effects of Luxor, in special remarks for the "seventh day," that Dr. Khaled Anani, the Minister of Antiquities invited visitors to visit the path of rams to see the statue discovered during his visit yesterday, to inspect development projects and archaeological sites.
Dr. Mohammed Abdul Aziz pointed out that the statue, which is a human body and the head of a lion, is being removed. It can not be extracted at the moment it is discovered directly because of the nature of the environment in which it was found.
Dr. Mustafa Al-Saghir, director general of the Karnak ruins and supervisor of the Al-Kabbash road project, added that the statue has not been removed from the site until now, but is being lifted.
- image caption: Way of the Rams

* "Return of Egyptian Treasures: Artifacts smuggled out of Egypt recovered from Rome depot" (2018-08-10, []


* "Ancient Egyptian sphinx discovered during road construction between ancient temples" (2018-08-07, []

* "Czech scientists discover connection between Ancient Egypt, Anatolia" (2018-08-07, []

* "Here's who was inside the 'cursed' Egyptian sarcophagus" (2018-08-19, []

* "Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Sa-Nakht May Have Been a Giant, New Study Suggests" (2017-08-06, []

* "3,000yo Egyptian cheese infected with deadly disease unearthed at ancient burial site" (2018-08-17, []

* "Was Socrates in Space? A Question of Ancient Spaceflight" (2018-08-09, by Caleb Strom, []
- image caption: 10th century AD Greek copy of Aristarchus of Samos's 2nd century BC calculations of the relative sizes of the Sun, Moon and the Earth.

- References
“Alcmaeon” (last updated, 2017). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Available at:

Graefe, Volker, and Rainer Bischoff. "Past, present and future of intelligent robots."  CIRA. 2003.

MacPherson, Hector. "The cosmological ideas among the Greeks."  Popular Astronomy  24 (1916):358.

“Philolaus” (last updated, 2016). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Available at:

Plato, Phaedo (109e-110d). Perseus Digital Library, Available at:

“Thales” by Patricia O’Grady. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Available at

“The steam-powered pigeon of Archytas – the flying machine of antiquity” by M.R. Reese (2014). Ancient Origins . Available at:

* "Morocco Culture: Ancient Roman village with many mysteries facing revival" (2018-08-07, []


* "Unmasking King Richard: Does the Lionhearted King of England Have a Better Reputation Than He Deserves?" (2017-06-18, by Wu Mingren, []:
- References
Barrow, G. W. S., 2017. Richard I. [Online]
Available at:

Hickman, K., 2017. Crusades: King Richard I the Lionheart of England. [Online]
Available at:

Johnson, B., 2017. Richard Lionheart. [Online]
Available at:

The BBC, 2014. Richard I (1157 - 1199). [Online]
Available at:, 2011. Richard the Lionheart. [Online]
Available at:, 2005. Richard I the Lionheart. [Online]
Available at:

* "Model village in Islamabad hides centuries of almost forgotten, intriguing history" (2018-08-14, [] [begin excerpt]: Historians believe that the village's architecture shows the fading footprints of four civilizations including Gandhara, Ashoka, Mughal and Greek, making it an ideal destination for visitors interested in finding traces of fading history in ancient buildings. [end excerpt]

* "Relics of an ancient kiln found in east China" (2018-08-12, []

* "Villagers toil over return of lost mummy Buddha" (2018-07-31, [] []
* "Chinese court hears case on lost mummified Buddha" (2018-07-26, []

* "UK police returns Indian Buddha statue on India's Independent Day 57 years after theft" (2018-08-16, []

* "Restored or ruined? Botched Buddha restoration sparks outcry in China" (2018-08-11, []
- image caption: The before (L) and after (R) of the repair work that sparked criticism on social media.

- image caption: Another Buddhist site from the Song Dynasty, before (R) and after (L), was re-painted in 1999.

- image caption: One of the sites in Anyue County is missing its original marks in the in the "restored" version.


* "Relics of ancient Shu civilization on display at National Museum of China" (2018-07-25, []

* "Where Did the Polynesians Really Come From?" (2017-06-15, by Caleb Strom, [] [begin excerpt]:
The Express Train or Slow Boat to Polynesian Origins -
The two main theories today are called the Express Train Hypothesis and the Slow Boat Hypothesis. The Express Train Hypothesis says that Polynesians come originally from Taiwan by way of the Philippines and Melanesia. According to this view, Polynesians are mainly a part of a migration wave that came out of Taiwan. The western part of Polynesia was settled between 3000 and 1000 BC by people from Taiwan via the Philippines as well as parts of New Guinea. Eastern Polynesia was settled beginning around 900 AD as Polynesian voyagers began to set out from Tonga and Samoa and other islands of western Polynesia to settle the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, and Easter Island, among other islands of the region.
According to the Slow Boat Hypothesis, the ancestors of the Polynesians are of Austronesian descent and still have a connection to Taiwan, but the ancestors of modern Polynesians spent several centuries intermarrying with people of Papuan and Indonesian lineage before setting out to Polynesia.
The first view is supported by linguistic and ethnographic data, but there is genetic evidence for the second hypothesis. Genetic studies have shown, for example, that a significant percentage of the Polynesian population has y-chromosomal DNA haplogroups coming from Papua New Guinea while most of the mtDNA comes from haplogroups in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. This suggests some degree of intermarriage between Polynesians and other Austronesian groups as well as non-Austronesian groups. Another possible line of evidence for this hypothesis comes from the fact that there is a gap in the language evolution of Polynesian Austronesian languages. Polynesian languages have features that no other Austronesian languages possess. This could be because of interaction with Papuan and Indonesian populations.
- image caption: he face of Mana, a Lapita woman whose face was reconstructed using a model of her skull which was excavated from an early human settlement at Naitabale in Fiji. ( Genetic studies have shown that most mtDNA in Polynesia comes from Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

- image caption: Drawing of Easter Island man and woman, by William Hodges, 1777. It is possible that South American voyagers sailed to Polynesia to meet the Rapa Nui.

“Epic pre-Columbian voyage suggested by genes” by Andrew Lawler (2014). Science. Available at:
Hage, Per, and Jeff Marck. "Matrilineality and the Melanesian origin of Polynesian Y chromosomes
1." Current Anthropology  44. S5 (2003): S121-S127.
Soares, Pedro, et al. "Ancient voyaging and Polynesian origins."  The American Journal of Human
Genetics 88.2 (2011): 239-247.

* "Easter Island people want return of their sacred statue, stolen by imperial Brits" (2018-08-09, []
- image caption: Moai sculpture from Easter Island in the British Museum


* "Leaving their cave dwellings behind, Ningxia's ecological migrants embrace a better life" (2018-08-12, []

* "In saliva, clues to a 'ghost' species of ancient human; The evolutionary history of a salivary protein may point to interbreeding between humans and an enigmatic ancient relative" (2017-07-21, University at Buffalo, via []

* "Archaeologists explore prehistoric ruins at west Tibet" (2018-08-16, []
* "Ancient tombs provide clues to mysterious civilization in Tibet" (2018-08-17, []

* "Pre-Hispanic 4,000-Year-Old Bas Relief Wall Uncovered in Peru; Covered in skulls, seeds and snake skeletons, the abandoned remnants of the ancient bas-relief wall were uncovered by archaeologists north of the capital" (2018-08-16, []

* "Israel discovers 19th-century soap factory in Jaffa" (2018-08-14, []:
A soap factory dating back to the 19th century has been unearthed, along with large underground chambers, in the old city of Jaffa, said a report published Tuesday by Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA).
The discoveries were revealed at the Uri Geller Museum, now under construction and expected to be opened to the public in a few months.
The site included troughs for mixing raw materials for the soap, a large cauldron, a hearth, water cisterns and underground vaults that were used for storage.
This discovery allows archeologists to reconstruct the manufacturing process, and to compare with similar factories where the traditional manufacturing process has remained.
The factory, whose original ownership remains unclear, is the second of its kind discovered in Jaffa, a part of the coastal city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, located in the center of Israel.
The production of soap from olive oil is an industry that was recorded as far back as the 10th-century. Soap became an important and lucrative product in the area, booming in the middle ages and continuing till the start of the 20th-century.

* "World Photography Day: The history of photography at the Forbidden City" (2018-08-19, []


Miscellany & Errata

* "Most Russians believe NASA’s lunar missions were fake" (2018-07-27, []

* "UFO or old pier? Satellite PHOTO of round object beneath water off Greek coast has internet guessing" (2018-07-30, [] [], image caption: A satellite image of the mysterious object in the sea.

- Speculation: Could be an illegal concrete and dirt dumping ground, an environmental crime...

* "NASA astronaut asked ground control what the ‘alien-like’ object was that he saw in space" (2018-08-09, []

* "Bermuda Triangle explorer finds 'alien craft' using maps made by NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper" (2018-08-09, []

* "Mysterious fireball that dazzled Alabama locals solved by NASA" (2018-08-18, []

* "Bloody lunar eclipse prompts end-is-nigh prophecies – here’s all you need to know" (2018-07-26, []



* "Ice Age roundworms frozen for 47,000 years, wake up, start eating as if nothing happened; Now at over 47,000 years of age, a pair of roundworms are the oldest living multi cellular organism on the planet" (2018-07-27, []
* "Prehistoric worms come back to life after 42,000 years of being frozen" (2018-07-31, [] []
* "They’re back! Worms unfrozen after 42,000 years are alive and eating" (2018-07-26, []

* "Daring entrepreneurs may simply be driven by mind-altering cat parasite – study" (2018-07-25, []

* "Tigers in chains hope to unlock heavens for rain in Mexico; Hundreds of people have dressed as tigers in chains paraded through the Mexican streets of Chilapa to celebrate the La Tigrada festival" (2018-08-17, []:
The festivities combine a mix of color, music and religion as people disguise themselves to give thanks to the god of rain and the virgin of assumption for blessings in the coming year.
Video [].


* "The Australian Yowie: Mysterious Legends of a Tribe of Hairy People" (2018-08-15, []


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

THEE STRANGER NEWS (August 9th, 2018)

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! 
Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple, for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration! Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California, to a worldwide audience.
Introductory track: Covenant - Ritual Noise []
Meandering track: Spacemind - Memory Hole []

Science & Futurism
[] [] [

* "New mineral discovered, as hard as diamond: Russian scientist" (2018-08-02, []

* "American researchers transplant bioengineered lungs into pigs without complication" (2018-08-01, []
* "Scientists transplant bioengineered lungs into pigs without complication" (2018-08-02, []

* "Chinese scientists perform genetic surgery to create first single-chromosome yeast" (2018-08-02, [], images
- ( []
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- ( [], caption: A team member of molecular biologist Qin Zhongjun watches a single chromosome yeast strain through electron microscope at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, east China, July 31, 2018. Brewer's yeast, one-third of whose genome is said to share ancestry with a human's, has 16 chromosomes. However, Chinese scientists have managed to fit nearly all its genetic material into just one chromosome while not affecting the majority of its functions, according to a paper released Thursday on Nature's website. Qin Zhongjun and his team used CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing to create a single chromosome yeast strain, the paper said.


Space News

* "Scientists propose new way to find alien life" (2018-08-03, []
* "Scientists propose new way to find alien life by cosmic UV light" (2018-08-01, []

* "A Century-Old Model for Life’s Origin Gets Significant Substantiation" (2018-07-25, Weizmann Institute of Science,’s-origin-gets-significant-substantiation) [] [begin excerpt]: Based on the computer model they developed, the scientists demonstrated that specific lipid compositions, called “composomes”, can undergo compositional mutations, be subject to natural selection in response to environmental changes, and even undergo Darwinian evolution. Prof. Lancet comments that such an information system, which is based on compositions and not on the sequence of chemical “letters” as in DNA, is reminiscent of the realm of epigenetics, where traits are inherited independent of the DNA sequence. This lends credence to the scientists’ assumption that life could emerge before the advent of DNA and RNA. In their article they in fact delineate a chemical path that leads to the appearance of genetic material in the framework of the oily droplets.
Lancet’s “Lipid World” concept is contingent upon the question of whether there were sufficient oil-like “water hating” molecules in the primordial soup. Here too, the scientists describe a comprehensive literature search, according to which there is a high probability for such molecules to be present on early earth. This conclusion was reinforced by a very recent study showing that Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons, has a sub-glacial ocean replete with “water hating” compounds (primordial soup), some of which could form Lipid World-type droplets. Prof. Lancet contends that these findings, along with innovative model-based computations, show that the probability of life’s emergence is relatively high, including the exciting possibility that Enceladus presently harbors some primary lipid-based life forms. [end excerpt]

* "Scientists discover 'rogue planet' outside solar system" (2018-08-05, []
- image caption: Artist's rendition of SIMP J01365663+0933473, which is 20 light years from Earth. /Photo via US National Radio Astronomy Observatory)


Ancient News
Music for your perusal (via []

* "Chile's rock art llamas divulge secrets of ancient desert culture" (2018-07-31, [] [begin excerpt]:
Conservationists working in Chile's Atacama Desert want UNESCO to recognize the Taira Valley drawings as a heritage site so they can develop sustainable tourism in the region.
Taira is "a celebration of life," said archaeologist Jose Bereguer, describing the site as "the most complex in South America" because of its astronomical importance as well as the significance to local shepherds.
The rock art was a "shepherd's rite" needed to ask the "deities that governed the skies and the earth" to increase their llama flocks.
First rediscovered by Swedish archaeologist Stig Ryden in 1944, the Taira rock art is between 2,400 and 2,800 years old. [end excerpt]
- image caption: Chilean archaeologist Jose Berenguer is pictured in front of drawings at the Taira Cave on July 21, 2018.

- image caption: Chilean archaeologist Jose Berenguer shows drawings at the Taira Cave.

* "Groundbreaking discovery: Who may have built Stonehenge finally revealed" (2018-08-02, []

* "The glorious history behind China’s military ruins" (2018-07-31, [] [begin excerpt]: The Stone City, also known as “Ghost Face City” was originally built during the Chu Kingdom (475-221BC). Located in Nanjing, eastern China’s Jiangsu Province, this ancient fortified city has attracted hundreds of visitors since 1990, when the city official ordered the re-construction of stone city park. [end excerpt]
- image caption: Stone City, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

* "Int'l organization to inspect Myanmar's ancient city for enlisting as world heritage" (2018-08-02, []

* "China to restore frescoes of grassland grottoes" (2018-08-01, [] []

* " 'Spectacular' ancient public library discovered in Germany Remains of grand building that may have housed up to 20,000 scrolls uncovered in central Cologne, dating back to second century AD" (2018-07-31, []

* "The Extensive and Sometimes Mythical History of the Chola Empire" (2016-03-29, []
- image caption: Bronze Chola Statue of Nataraja at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.

- image caption: Thanjavur in 1869

* "Pharaoh Ramses’ Anti-Israelite Policy Now Explained" (2018-08-05, []

* "This 2,800-Year-Old Stele Tells A Bible Story From A Different Point Of View" (2017-05-17, []

* "113-yr-old passes away in China's county of longevity" (2018-08-02, []

* "Decades-long investigation into Bermuda Triangle finally explains mysterious disappearances" (2018-08-02, []

* "The Doors of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything" (2018-08-04, by Tim O’Shea, [] [begin excerpt]
Aldous Huxley’s inspired 1954 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. By altering his brain chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley tapped into a rich and fluid world of shimmering, indescribable beauty and power. With his neurosensory input thus triggered, Huxley was able to enter that parallel universe glimpsed by every mystic and space captain in recorded history. Whether by hallucination or epiphany, Huxley sought to remove all bonds, all controls, all filters, all cultural conditioning from his perceptions and to confront Nature or the World or Reality first-hand – in its unpasteurized, unedited, unretouched infinite rawness.
Those bonds are much harder to break today, half a century later. We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded; our very awareness of the whole design seems like it is being subtly and inexorably erased. The doors of our perception are carefully and precisely regulated.
It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public consciousness by a thousand media clips per day. In an effort to save time, I would like to provide just a little background on the handling of information in this country. Once the basic principles are illustrated about how our current system of media control arose historically, the reader might be more apt to question any given story in today’s news.
If everybody believes something, it’s probably wrong. [end excerpt]


Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
Tune-in online [], and, check in with The Mothership ConnectionBroadcast Saturdays, 5 to 6pm, & Thursdays, 5:30 to 6pm, with alternative music and culture from across the Greater Bay Area!

All materials not authored by members of the "The Northbay Uprising Media Collective" are ©, ® or ™ to their respective owners and authors, and are included in this database for evaluative purposes only, without commercial profit. For commercial use of the materials on this database, please contact the respective copyright owners of the materials. Copyright owners of materials on this page are not responsible for the contents of this database.

Files types linked are noted if not standard (.html). Files noted as (.pdf) may be viewed in most standard browsers, or by downloading the viewer app from the proprietor [].
( is a web address shortening app, with direct links noted when used with this app.

Archival sites save a text and a graphical copy of a web page with no active elements and no scripts (nor popups or malware), and with timestamps, including (how-to) (donate), [] [] [] [], & (how-to) (donate).


Thee Stranger News for December, 2023

A Liberated Zone on the FM, to enhance alternative culture and cognitive freedom! Broadcast Thursdays at 89.5 FM KZCT in Vallejo, California...