Convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati, convening Thee Temple [link], for knowledge, whimsy, and inspiration. Everything is true, nothing is forbidden!
Science & Futurism
* "Ideal human or Frankenstein fantasy? Scientist creates 'perfect body' with emu legs & dog heart" (2018-06-20, []
* "Researchers create world's smallest 'computer' " (2018-06-24, [] [begin excerpt]: Researchers at the University of Michigan (UM) in the United States has come out with the world's smallest "computer," a device that measures just 0.3 mm to a side, completely dwarfed by a grain of rice.
Unlike traditional desktop computers that always have their program and data there whether its unplugged or not, these new microdevices lose all prior programming and data as soon as they lose power. [...]
In addition to the RAM and photovoltaics, the new computing devices have processors and wireless transmitters and receivers. As they are too small to have conventional radio antennae, they receive and transmit data with visible light. A base station provides light for power and programming, and it receives the data. [end excerpt]

* "Unlocking prehistoric genetics: California scientists successfully grow Neanderthal mini-brains" (2018-06-25, []
Space News
* "Dust storm on Mars has become "planet-encircling," NASA says" (2018-06-22, []
* "Vegetable harvest in Antarctica boosts scientists' plan to grow greens on Mars, moon" (2018-06-25, []
* "Study reveals reason aliens may be snatching stars & caging them in megastructures" (2018-06-21, []
* "UF-oh no? We may be the only intelligent life out there, study finds" (2018-06-24, []
Ancient News
Backbeat []
* "Iranian traditional medicine key to optimal health, life style; Iranian traditional medicine is one of the most famous and ancient forms of traditional medicine, whose earliest record can be traced back to 6,500 BC" (2018-06-20, []
* "New species of gibbon identified in tomb of ancient Chinese noble-woman" (2018-06-21, []
* "New species of extinct ape found at ancient Chinese burial site" (2018-06-22, []
* "Searching for a Legend: Chinese, Uzbek archaeologists hunt for buried ancient civilization" (2018-06-21, broadcast transcript, []

* "Swedes have been brewing beer since Iron Age: study" (2018-06-25, []
* "Lifelike reconstruction of Julius Caesar reveals extraordinary head" (2018-06-23, []

* "Bird images in Vatican manuscript suggest early trade route between Australia, Europe" (2018-06-26, []
* "How did a cockatoo reach 13th century Sicily?" (2018-06-26, []
* "Cockatoo images found in 13th Century book" (2018-06-26, []
One of the four images of the cockatoo in the 13th Century manuscript

* "100% accuracy: Russian oracle cat on target with World Cup predictions; A deaf cat named Achilles who lives in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg has accurately predicted the results of each of the four World Cup matches he has been asked to foretell" (2018-06-23, [], image caption: Hermitage veterinary and cat Achilles

Thee Stranger News is broadcast courtesy of 89.5 FM-KZCT [].
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